Apollo graphql subscriptions over Kafka protocol
One producer and one consumer for each node instance. Communication happens over a single kafka topic.
npm install graphql-kafka-subscriptions
import { KafkaPubSub } from 'graphql-kafka-subscriptions'
export const pubsub = new KafkaPubSub({
topic: 'anything',
host: 'INSERT_KAFKA_IP:port',
export const pubsub = new KafkaPubSub({
topic: 'anything',
// as mentioned in the comments of https://github.com/ancashoria/graphql-kafka-subscriptions/issues/4
// you will need to upate the site calls of `publish` in your application as called out below.
// the stock PubSub::publish expects a string and an object
pubsub.publish('messageAdded', {
messageAdded: newMessage,
channelId: message.channelId
// KafkaPubSub::publish expects the first parameter to be inserted into the object
channel: 'messageAdded',
messageAdded: newMessage,
channelId: message.channelId
(https://github.com/ancashoria/graphql-kafka-subscriptions.git) Special thanks to:
- davidyaha for graphql-redis-subscriptions which was the main inspiration point for this project
- Apollo graphql community
Help greatly appreciated