This is a repository for Homeworks.
Fork this repository
Clone the forked repository to your machine using:
git clone <your-origin-url>
Change directory into cloned project
cd homeworks
Create a branch based on class
- create a branch [class]-[username] sample: intro-to-js-ulanbak
After you finish your homework push it to your github master branch
git add --all
git commit -m "your message"
git push --set-upstream origin intro-to-js-[username]
Then from your github master open PULL REQUEST seytechchool/homeworks upstream to your username branch
- Ex:
seytechschool/homeworks, base:your-username <- your-username/homeworks, base:master
- Ex:
Start doing same thing for other classes
- intro-to-js
- functions
- loops
- dom
- data-types
- methods
- Each Class homeworks need to have a new pull request.