A very simple GUI frontend for anipy-cli, this is my first GUI and is still WIP, so dont expect as much; expect bugs.
As of now this only supports linux because libmpv on windows sucks. MacOs might work, I don't have anything to test it though.
Prerequisits: mpv and libmpv but that should ship with mpv on install.
$ git clone
$ cd anipy-gui
$ pip install .
$ ./ To Create Desktop file so it shows up in the start menu
pip uninstall anipy-gui
To remove the desktop file clone the repository again or use your already cloned one and execute ./
Generaly, in the Player the standart mpv shortcuts are applied, there are some exceptions:
Action | Key | Scope |
History | Ctrl+H | Everywhere except player |
Quit Player | q | player |
Fullscreen Player | f/player button | player |
Next Episode | n | player |
Previous Episode | b | player |
Hide Cursor | h | player |