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Bot that monitors a Blend pool to create and bid on all auctions.


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Auctioneer Bot

The auctioneer bot monitors a Blend pool to create and bid on auctions. This includes user liquidation auctions, bad debt auctions, and interest auctions. The auctioneer focuses on completeness and pool safety over profit, but the existing code can be modified to meet any use case.

For more information please see the Blend docs.


This software is made available under the MIT License, which disclaims all warranties in relation to the project and which limits the liability of those that contribute and maintain the project, including Script3. You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for any use of this software and you assume all risks associated with any such use.

Getting Started

It is recommended to run the auctioneer bot as a docker container. The image can be pulled with:

docker pull script3/auctioneer-bot:latest

To run the container, you will need to mount a directory from the host to /app/data on the container. The directory must contain a config file named config.json at its root. Please see Configuration for details on the configuration file.

The container will create a sqlite3 database that tracks bot activity and log files in the mounted directory.

Use the following command to run the container:

docker run --restart always -d -v /path/on/host:/app/data script3/auctioneer-bot:latest

The auctioneer bot requires access to a Soroban RPC server, and is fairly chatty. We recommend running an Soroban RPC server on the same host to avoid issues with rate limiting / usage. Please see the Stellar documentation for running a Soroban RPC. We recommend running the Soroban RPC as a docker container. The Auctioneer bot itself is not very resource intensive, and should work fine alongside an RPC with the suggested hardware requirements for the Soroban RPC server.

The auctioneer bot also (optionally) uses Horizon to fetch prices from the DEX. If you use this, the bot keeps usage low (up to 1 request a minute per asset), so using a public Horizon endpoint should be OK. However, it is recommended to use a Horizon hosting solution to ensure uptime (e.g. Blockdaemon or Quicknode).

Auctions filled by the bot will have an entry populated in the filled_auctions table of the DB, with the bots estimated profit on the trade included.

Important Info

This bot does not automatically unwind all positions it bids on. It is recommended to manually adjust your positions as necessary as auctions get filled.

Certain auctions cause your filler to take on liabilities, and if these assets are not cleared in a timely manner, could result in the filler also getting liquidated.


For an example config file that is configured to interact with Blend v1 mainnet protocol, please see example.config.json.

General Settings

Field Description
name A descriptive name for your bot instance.
rpcURL The URL of the Soroban RPC endpoint.
networkPassphrase The network passphrase identifying the Stellar network.
poolAddress The address of the Blend pool contract this bot will be tracking.
backstopAddress The address of the Blend backstop contract.
backstopTokenAddress The address of the Blend backstop token contract.
usdcAddress The address of the USDC token contract.
blndAddress The address of the BLND token contract.
keypair The secret key for the bot's auction creating account. This should be different from the fillers as auction creation and auction bidding can happen simultaneously. Keep this secret and secure!
fillers A list of accounts that will bid and fill on auctions.
priceSources (Optional) A list of assets that will have prices sourced from exchanges instead of the pool oracle.
profits (Optional) A list of auction profits to define different profit percentages used for matching auctions.
slackWebhook (Optional) A slack webhook URL to post updates to ( Leave undefined if no webhooks are required.


The fillers array contains configurations for individual filler accounts. The account chosen to fill an auction is the first filler in the list that supports all bid and lot assets in the auction. Each filler has the following properties:

Field Description
name A unique name for this filler account. Used in logs and slack notifications.
keypair The secret key for this filler account. Keep this secret and secure!
primaryAsset The primary asset the filler will use as collateral in the pool.
defaultProfitPct The default profit percentage required for the filler to bid on an auction, as a decimal. (e.g. 0.08 = 8%)
minHealthFactor The minimum health factor the filler will take on during liquidation and bad debt auctions, as calculated by collateral / liabilities.
minPrimaryCollateral The minimum amount of the primary asset the Filler will maintain as collateral in the pool.
forceFill Boolean flag to indicate if the bot should force fill auctions even if profit expectations aren't met to ensure pool health.
supportedBid An array of asset addresses that this filler bot is allowed to bid with. Bids are taken as additional liabilities (dTokens) for liquidation and bad debt auctions, and tokens for interest auctions. Must include the backstopTokenAddress to bid on interest auctions.
supportedLot An array of asset addresses that this filler bot is allowed to receive. Lots are given as collateral (bTokens) for liquidation auctions and tokens for interest and bad debt auctions. The filler should have trustlines to all assets that are Stellar assets. Must include backstopTokenAddress to bid on bad debt auctions.

Price Sources

The priceSources array defines the additional sources for price data. If an asset has a price source, the oracle prices will not be used when calculating profit, and instead the price fetched from the price source will be.

Exchange Price Sources

Prices are fetched from the following endpoints:

Each exchange price source has the following fields:

Field Description
assetId The address of the asset for which this price source provides data.
type The type of price source (e.g., "coinbase", "binance").
symbol The trading symbol used by the price source for this asset.
DEX Prices Sources

DEX prices sources are calculated via Horizon's "find strict receive payment path" endpoint. The specified destAmount will be received via the sourceAsset asset, and the price will be computed such that sourceAmount / destAmount, or the average price for the full path payment operation on that block. This can be useful to fetch prices for assets that are not on centralized exchanges.

Each DEX price source has the following fields:

Field Description
assetId The address of the asset for which this price source provides data.
type The type of price source (e.g., "dex").
sourceAsset The Stellar Asset being used as the source asset. Should align with the contract address in assetId. The string is formatted as code:issuer or XLM:native.
destAsset The Stellar Asset being used as the destination asset. This should be what the oracle is reporting in (e.g. USDC). The string is formatted as code:issuer or XLM:native.
destAmount The amount of destAsset that must be received to calculate the final price of sourceAsset


The profits list defines target profit percentages based on the assets that make up the bid and lot of a given auction. This allows fillers to have flexability in the profit they target. The profit percentage chosen will be the first entry in the profits list that supports all bid and lot assets in the auction. If no profit entry is found, the defaultProfitPct value defined by the filler will be used.

Each profit entry has the following fields:

Field Description
profitPct The profit percentage required to bid for the auction, as a decimal. (e.g. 0.08 = 8%)
supportedBid An array of asset addresses that the auction bid can contain for this profitPct to be used. If any auction bid asset exists outside this list, the profitPct will not be used.
supportedLot An array of asset addresses that the auction lot can contain for this profitPct to be used. If any auction lot asset exists outside this list, the profitPct will not be used.


If you make modifications to the bot, you can build a new dockerfile by running:

npm run build:docker-{arm, x86}

You can then follow the instructions in Getting Started, but instead use auctioneer-bot-{arm, x86} as the docker image.

The bot can also be run locally with node, but you will need to invoke to initialize a database at ./data and a location to place logs at ./data/logs.


Bot that monitors a Blend pool to create and bid on all auctions.







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