Super simple command-line script for downloading a bunch of images from Twitter that match a given search term. This is just a script. It's not a gem, library, or even a class. Take it for what it's worth.
$ gem install twitter
$ git clone REPOURL
$ ./twitter-image-search.rb seattle snow
The parameters are search terms using the Twitter Search API. For example, to get images from tweets with the hashtag #snowpocalypse2012
that DO NOT include the word "seattle":
$ ./twitter-image-search.rb "#snowpocalypse2012 -seattle"
Use at your own risk. Be aware that Twitter's API Terms of Service prevent many things such as:
Exporting Twitter Content to a datastore as a service or other cloud based service, however, is not permitted.
I absolve myself from all responsibility for how you choose to use this tool.