Releases: score-spec/spec
Releases · score-spec/spec
What's Changed
- Updated license with copyright owners by @sujaya-sys in #1
- Added score roadmap by @sujaya-sys in #2
- Add specification details to README by @onlydole in #11
- Update Spec Readme by @ditiangk in #12
- fixed broken image links by @sujaya-sys in #13
- Added missing gif reference by @sujaya-sys in #15
- added helm reference by @sujaya-sys in #16
- Update readme by @sujaya-sys in #18
- Fixed typo on readme by @sujaya-sys in #19
- Tweak some grammar in the README by @brettcannon in #22
- Updated readme by @sujaya-sys in #24
- Adding Code of Conduct and Contributing docs by @rachfop in #17
- Adds GH folder by @rachfop in #28
- Add Developer Experience Enhancements by @onlydole in #26
- Fix readme by @rachfop in #37
- docs: convert all issue templates to issue forms by @Panquesito7 in #35
- Delete by @sujaya-sys in #43
- README. md by @Daksh-jha in #47
- Adds an FAQ bot by @rachfop in #53
- Security Update in new_issues.yml by @aashish-19 in #62
- Updated readme by @sujaya-sys in #67
- Update by @sujaya-sys in #68
- Added list of maintainers by @sujaya-sys in #69
- Update by @sujaya-sys in #72
- Update by @sujaya-sys in #71
- Update by @sujaya-sys in #73
- Update by @sujaya-sys in #77
- Suggestion to add spec reference to repository by @sujaya-sys in #78
- Updated link to schema reference by @sujaya-sys in #79
- Draft for governance model by @sujaya-sys in #80
- Update by @sujaya-sys in #82
- Updated contribution guideline by @sujaya-sys in #81
- Updated get-in-touch section with relevant info on community calls by @sujaya-sys in #85
- Remove FAQ feature from score spec by @sujaya-sys in #84
- Updated Score readme based on feedback by @sujaya-sys in #87
- Updated Slack invite link by @sujaya-sys in #89
- Update by @sujaya-sys in #91
- Update by @sujaya-sys in #92
- fix(typo): corrected spelling error in the readme by @riginoommen in #93
- fix: update with new Slack invite by @astromechza in #99
- Added Score logos by @FL303 in #98
- chore: import schema files and update ci by @astromechza in #103
- feat: allow dot as separator in resource id by @astromechza in #105
New Contributors
- @sujaya-sys made their first contribution in #1
- @onlydole made their first contribution in #11
- @ditiangk made their first contribution in #12
- @brettcannon made their first contribution in #22
- @rachfop made their first contribution in #17
- @Panquesito7 made their first contribution in #35
- @Daksh-jha made their first contribution in #47
- @aashish-19 made their first contribution in #62
- @riginoommen made their first contribution in #93
- @astromechza made their first contribution in #99
- @FL303 made their first contribution in #98
Full Changelog: