SandScripthon is what we call it.
This repo contains the source code of a shared library for the Sandvine Policy Engine that allows one to write subsystems in Python. It embeds a Python runtime onto the policy engine during startup.
The shared library must be built on the same system architecture of the policy engine, that is a freebsd-x64 for PTS 32000 or linux-x64 for SDE and PTS Virtual Series, and has been only tested with Python 2.
Make sure you have the python-dev packages and build it and install.
On Centos 7,
yum-config-manager --enable repository CentOSPlus
sed -i -e '/exclude=/d' /etc/yum.conf
yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
yum install python-devel
make install
systemctl restart svpts.service
This will install the shared library to /usr/local/sandvine/loadable and the Python code to /usr/local/sandvine/etc. The only file you care about, and can edit, is Note that changes to are only updated on a pts restart (not svreload).
See the policy.conf file, it uses functions exported by
You can place Python modules in either /usr/local/sandvine/loadable/python, or /usr/local/sandvine/etc/