- Do not allow access to your website and display the message "the website is under maintenance" on the frontpage.
- Allow access to your website to some Ips addresses
- Activate and deactivate theses behaviors by commands
- Activate and deactivate behaviors in your Sylius Back-office
- Custom your message in your Sylius Back-office
Version | |
PHP | 7.4, 8.0 |
Sylius | 1.9, 1.10 |
Add the bundle and dependencies in your composer.json :
composer require synolia/sylius-maintenance-plugin
Enable the plugin in your
file by addSynolia\SyliusMaintenancePlugin\SynoliaSyliusMaintenancePlugin::class => ['all' => true],
Import required config in your
file:imports: - { resource: "@SynoliaSyliusMaintenancePlugin/Resources/config/config.yaml" }
Import routing in your
file:synolia_synolia_maintenance: resource: "@SynoliaSyliusMaintenancePlugin/Resources/config/admin_routing.yaml" prefix: '/%sylius_admin.path_name%'
Clear cache
php bin/console cache:clear
To turn your website under maintenance, please create a file maintenance.yaml at the root of your project.
If you want to allow access for some Ips, please add these Ip into maintenance.yaml
For example :ips: [,,]
Enable the plugin
php bin/console maintenance:enable
Enable the plugin and add one or multiple ips addresses separated with a space
php bin/console maintenance:enable
Disable the plugin
php bin/console maintenance:disable
- Enable/disable the plugin
- Allow access for one or multiple ips addresses (optional)
- Create your custom message (optional)
See How to contribute.
This library is under the EUPL-1.2 license.
Developed by Synolia.