Scripts for setting up workshop images using cloud-init and nectar's openstack cli
Note: This won't run on SAHMRI network due to firewall.
You could I suppose set up a "nectar head node" which could be used to provision the others.
You need to download the OpenStack RC File from the Nectar dashboard before running this.
This instance will run the script via cloud-init. It will probably take a little while, but all requirements for the workshop will be installed. (Look at logs on nectar to be sure that everything is complte)
openstack stack create --template template.yml \
--parameter key_name=john_workstation \
--parameter flavor=m3.small \
Anything you do here will be copied to the final instance, so set it up however you want.
# Extract IP address of instance
openstack stack resource list workshop-template --format csv | grep OS::Nova::Server | cut -d, -f2 | xargs -I {} openstack server show {} -f value -c addresses
I'm assuming space will be at a premium, so I clean up a lot of stuff:
sudo apt remove linux-firmware
sudo apt autoremove
sudo apt autoclean
sudo apt clean
conda clean --all
You can also edit /etc/motd..
A snapshot will save a qcow2 image of this instance that can then be used to spin up multiple other instances. Saving this takes a while.
openstack server image create workshop-template --name workshop-image
The password is provided by this command. The user name is "user".
openstack stack create --template multi-instance.yml \
--parameter key_name=john_workstation \
--parameter password=mySecurePassword \
--parameter image=workshop-image \
--parameter flavor=m3.small \
--parameter server_count=10 \
Extract IP addresses for entire group:
openstack stack resource show workshop server_group -f value -c physical_resource_id | xargs -I {} openstack stack resource list {} --format csv | grep OS::Nova::Server | cut -d, -f2 | xargs -I {} openstack server show {} -f value -c addresses
Delete entire stack:
openstack stack delete workshop
- should use my laptop public key...