The following directory (project) is intended for additional materials on Devops. This is still work in project as we clean up to
- logically organize the folders and materials
- Add additional materials for Devops, including link sites.
The main material is organized into 8 modules:
- Module 1: Getting Started with Devops
- Module 2: common Infra Structure Servers
- Module 3: Bare Metal Server installs, Package Managers
- Module 4: Performance Monitoring and basic security
- Module 5: Jenkins and Puppet
- Module 6: Ansible and Salt
- MOdule 7: Chef
- Module 8: Nagios and Performance Monitoring
The installation material, while largely focussing on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, can easily be adapted to other OS. Any scripts provided here are "as-is" (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK)
- Maven
- Java (preferrably JDK 7+)
- PMD (Optional - if not installing it, remove references to PMD in Ant build files)
- Cobertura (Optional, bu recommended)
- Oracle Virtual box (See installation_notes.docx for details )
- vagrant (See installation_notes.docx for details)
Jenkins, Maven, Ant, Java is required for looking at the demo project and to give a sample on how CI works.
- Download PMD from
- Unzip file to c:\apps\pmd
- Set System Variable PMD_HOME to c:\apps\pmd
- Download MAven and unzip to a folder
- set MAVEN_HOME to name of folders where it was unzipped.
- Download MAven and unzip to a folder
- set ANT_HOME to name of folders where it was unzipped.
- download and copy following files to %ANT_HOME%\lib folder
- sonarqube-ant-task-2.4.jar
- ant-contrib.jar (Download from from (Do not use 1.0b3))
- maven-ant-tasks-2.1.3.jar
- Adjust paths in build.xml/ as per your local configuration