🚀 Note: This repository is not currently updated. For the latest metrics, consider exploring: https://github.com/chaofengc/IQA-PyTorch
📧 Feel free to contact: [email protected]
- v3: Added MS-SSIM index, BRISQUE, and PIQE; reimplemented PSNR and SSIM in Python; removed Ma et al. and PI due to low computation efficiency; removed FID as it is not an image quality evaluator.
- v2: Unified scripts for all algorithms.
- v1: Initial formal release.
metric | class | description | better | range | ref |
Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) | FR | The ratio of the maximum pixel intensity to the power of the distortion. | higher | [0, inf) |
[WIKI] |
Structural similarity (SSIM) index | FR | Local similarity of luminance, contrast and structure of two image. | higher | (?, 1] |
[paper] [WIKI] |
Multi-scale structural similarity (MS-SSIM) index | FR | Based on SSIM; combine luminance information at the highest resolution level with structure and contrast information at several down-sampled resolutions, or scales. | higher | (?, 1] |
[paper] [code] |
Learned perceptual image patch similarity (LPIPS) | FR | Obtain L2 distance between AlexNet/SqueezeNet/VGG activations of reference and distorted images; train a predictor to learn the mapping from the distance to similarity score. Trainable. | lower | [0, ?) |
[paper] [official repo] |
Blind/referenceless image spatial quality evaluator (BRISQUE) | NR | Model Gaussian distributions of mean subtracted contrast normalized (MSCN) features; obtain 36-dim Gaussian parameters; train an SVM to learn the mapping from feature space to quality score. | lower | [0, ?) |
[paper] |
Natural image quality evaluator (NIQE) | NR | Mahalanobis distance between two multi-variate Gaussian models of 36-dim features from natural (training) and input sharp patches. | lower | [0, ?) |
[paper] |
Perception based image quality evaluator (PIQE) | NR | Similar to NIQE; block-wise. PIQE is less computationally efficient than NIQE, but it provides local measures of quality in addition to a global quality score. | lower | [0, 100] |
[paper] |
- FR: Full-reference quality metric.
- NR: No-reference quality metric.
metric | class | description | better | range | ref | where |
Ma et al. (MA) | NR | Extract features in DCT, wavelet and PCA domains; train a regression forest to learn the mapping from feature space to quality score. Very slow! | higher | [0, 10] |
[paper] [official repo] | [v2] |
perceptual index (PI) | NR | 0.5 * ((10 - MA) + NIQE). Very slow due to MA! | lower | [0, ?) |
[paper] [official repo] | [v2] |
Fréchet inception distance (FID) | FR | Wasserstein-2 distance between two Gaussian models of InceptionV3 activations (fed with reference and distorted image data-sets, respectively). | lower | [0, ?) |
[paper] [cleanfid repo] | [v2] |
Subjective quality metric(s):
metric | description | better | range | ref |
mean opinion score (MOS) | Image rating under certain standards. | higher | [0, 100] |
[BT.500] |
degradation/difference/differential MOS (DMOS) | Difference between MOS values of reference and distorted images. | lower | [0, 100] |
[ref1] [ref2] |
conda create -n iqa python=3.7 -y && conda activate iqa
python -m pip install pyyaml opencv-python tqdm pandas
# for psnr/ssim
python -m pip install scikit-image==0.18.2
# for ms-ssim/lpips
# test under cuda 10.x
python -m pip install torch==1.6.0+cu101 torchvision==0.7.0+cu101 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
# for lpips
python -m pip install lpips==0.1.3
For BRISQUE and NIQE, MATLAB >= R2017b is required; for PIQE, MATLAB >= R2018b is required.
If you want to use main.py
to run MATLAB scripts, i.e., call MATLAB in Python, you should install MATLAB package in Conda environment. Check here. My solution:
# given linux
cd "matlabroot/extern/engines/python" # e.g., ~/Matlab/R2019b/extern/engines/python
conda activate iqa && python setup.py install
- Edit
. - Run:
conda activate iqa && [CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0] python main.py -case div2k_qf10 [-opt opt.yml -clean]
are optional. - Output: CSV log files at
: target, e.g., enhanced compressed images.dst
: distorted, e.g., jpeg-compressed images.src
: source, e.g., raw/pristine images.- The list of the evaluated images is based on
We adopt Apache License v2.0. For other licenses, please refer to the references.
If you find this repository helpful, you may cite:
author = {Qunliang Xing},
title = {Image Quality Assessment Toolbox},
howpublished = "\url{https://github.com/ryanxingql/image-quality-assessment-toolbox}",
year = {2021},
note = "[Online; accessed 11-April-2021]"