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Image Quality Assessment Toolbox

🚀 Note: This repository is not currently updated. For the latest metrics, consider exploring:

📧 Feel free to contact: [email protected].

0. Archive

  • v3: Added MS-SSIM index, BRISQUE, and PIQE; reimplemented PSNR and SSIM in Python; removed Ma et al. and PI due to low computation efficiency; removed FID as it is not an image quality evaluator.
  • v2: Unified scripts for all algorithms.
  • v1: Initial formal release.

1. Content

metric class description better range ref
Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) FR The ratio of the maximum pixel intensity to the power of the distortion. higher [0, inf) [WIKI]
Structural similarity (SSIM) index FR Local similarity of luminance, contrast and structure of two image. higher (?, 1] [paper] [WIKI]
Multi-scale structural similarity (MS-SSIM) index FR Based on SSIM; combine luminance information at the highest resolution level with structure and contrast information at several down-sampled resolutions, or scales. higher (?, 1] [paper] [code]
Learned perceptual image patch similarity (LPIPS) FR Obtain L2 distance between AlexNet/SqueezeNet/VGG activations of reference and distorted images; train a predictor to learn the mapping from the distance to similarity score. Trainable. lower [0, ?) [paper] [official repo]
Blind/referenceless image spatial quality evaluator (BRISQUE) NR Model Gaussian distributions of mean subtracted contrast normalized (MSCN) features; obtain 36-dim Gaussian parameters; train an SVM to learn the mapping from feature space to quality score. lower [0, ?) [paper]
Natural image quality evaluator (NIQE) NR Mahalanobis distance between two multi-variate Gaussian models of 36-dim features from natural (training) and input sharp patches. lower [0, ?) [paper]
Perception based image quality evaluator (PIQE) NR Similar to NIQE; block-wise. PIQE is less computationally efficient than NIQE, but it provides local measures of quality in addition to a global quality score. lower [0, 100] [paper]


  • FR: Full-reference quality metric.
  • NR: No-reference quality metric.


metric class description better range ref where
Ma et al. (MA) NR Extract features in DCT, wavelet and PCA domains; train a regression forest to learn the mapping from feature space to quality score. Very slow! higher [0, 10] [paper] [official repo] [v2]
perceptual index (PI) NR 0.5 * ((10 - MA) + NIQE). Very slow due to MA! lower [0, ?) [paper] [official repo] [v2]
Fréchet inception distance (FID) FR Wasserstein-2 distance between two Gaussian models of InceptionV3 activations (fed with reference and distorted image data-sets, respectively). lower [0, ?) [paper] [cleanfid repo] [v2]

Subjective quality metric(s):

metric description better range ref
mean opinion score (MOS) Image rating under certain standards. higher [0, 100] [BT.500]
degradation/difference/differential MOS (DMOS) Difference between MOS values of reference and distorted images. lower [0, 100] [ref1] [ref2]

2. Dependency

conda create -n iqa python=3.7 -y && conda activate iqa
python -m pip install pyyaml opencv-python tqdm pandas

# for psnr/ssim
python -m pip install scikit-image==0.18.2

# for ms-ssim/lpips
# test under cuda 10.x
python -m pip install torch==1.6.0+cu101 torchvision==0.7.0+cu101 -f

# for lpips
python -m pip install lpips==0.1.3

For BRISQUE and NIQE, MATLAB >= R2017b is required; for PIQE, MATLAB >= R2018b is required.

If you want to use to run MATLAB scripts, i.e., call MATLAB in Python, you should install MATLAB package in Conda environment. Check here. My solution:

# given linux
cd "matlabroot/extern/engines/python"  # e.g., ~/Matlab/R2019b/extern/engines/python
conda activate iqa && python install

3. Evaluation

  1. Edit opt.yml.
  2. Run: conda activate iqa && [CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0] python -case div2k_qf10 [-opt opt.yml -clean]. [<args>] are optional.
  3. Output: CSV log files at ./logs/.


  • tar: target, e.g., enhanced compressed images.
  • dst: distorted, e.g., jpeg-compressed images.
  • src: source, e.g., raw/pristine images.
  • The list of the evaluated images is based on tar_dir.

4. License

We adopt Apache License v2.0. For other licenses, please refer to the references.

If you find this repository helpful, you may cite:

  author = {Qunliang Xing},
  title = {Image Quality Assessment Toolbox},
  howpublished = "\url{}",
  year = {2021},
  note = "[Online; accessed 11-April-2021]"