Download the MongoDB Community MSI installer from the following link
- In the Version dropdown, select the version of MongoDB to download.
- In the OS dropdown, select Windows x64.
- In the Package dropdown, select MSI.
- Click Download.
Follow the MongoDB Community Edition installation wizard
You can choose either the Complete (recommended for most users) or Custom setup type. The Complete setup option installs MongoDB and the MongoDB tools to the default location. The Custom setup option allows you to specify which executables are installed and where.
Create the data directory where MongoDB stores data. MongoDB’s default data directory path is the absolute path \data\db on the drive from which you start MongoDB.
cd C:\
md "\data\db"
"C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.2\bin\mongod.exe" --dbpath="c:\data\db"
"C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.2\bin\mongo.exe"
Copy The dump folder from the repo to your "bin" folder in MongoDB directory, And then open two terminal windows: Create a folder named 'data' and inside data create a folder named 'db' in the drive where you have installed MongoDB Open one of the terminals and type the command
to start the MongoDB Server
Open the second terminal in the "bin" folder with administrative access and type the command
to restore the DB files from the dump folder.
To restore a single database you need to provide the path to the dump directory as part of the mongorestore command line.
For example:
mongodump --db training
mongorestore --db training2 dump/training The --db option for mongodump specifies the source database to dump.
The --db option for mongorestore specifies the target database to restore into.