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plumber v1.1.0

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@schloerke schloerke released this 26 Mar 16:16

Breaking changes

  • Force json serialization of endpoint error responses instead of using endpoint serializer. (@meztez, #689)

  • When plumbing a Plumber file and using a Plumber router modifier (#* @plumber), an error will be thrown if the original router is not returned. (#738)

  • options_plumber() now requires that all options are named. If no option name is provided, an error with be thrown. (#746)

New features

  • Added option plumber.trailingSlash. This option (which is disabled by default) allows routes to be redirected to route definitions with a trailing slash. For example, if a GET request is submitted to /test?a=1 with no /test route is defined, but a GET /test/ route definition does exist, then the original request will respond with a 307 to reattempt against GET /test/?a=1. This option will be enabled by default in a future release. This logic executed for before calling the 404 handler. (#746)

  • Added an experimental option plumber.methodNotAllowed. This option (which is enabled by default) allows for a status of 405 to be returned if an invalid method is used when requesting a valid route. This logic executed for before calling the default 404 handler. (#746)

  • Passing edit = TRUE to plumb_api() will open the API source file. (#699)

  • OpenAPI Specification can be set using a file path. (@meztez #696)

  • Guess OpenAPI response content type from serializer. (@meztez #684)

  • Undeprecated Plumber$run(debug=, swaggerCallback=) and added the parameters for Plumber$run(docs=, quiet=) and pr_run(debug=, docs=, swaggerCallback=, quiet=). Now, all four parameters will not produce lingering effects on the Plumber router. (@jcheng5 #765)

    • Setting quiet = TRUE will suppress routine startup messages.
    • Setting debug = TRUE, will display information when an error occurs. See pr_set_debug().
    • Setting docs will update the visual documentation. See pr_set_docs().
    • Set swaggerCallback to a function which will be called with a url to the documentation, or NULL to do nothing. See pr_set_docs_callback().
  • To update a PlumberEndpoint path after initialization, call the new PlumberEndpoint$setPath(path). This will update internal path matching meta data. (Active bindings were not used to avoid breaking changes.) (@blairj09 #770)

  • PlumberStep (and PlumberEndpoint and PlumberFilter) received a new field $srcref and method $getFunc(). $srcref will contain the corresponding srcref information from original source file. $getFunc() will return the evaluated function. (#782)

  • Allow for spaces in @apiTag and @tag when tag is surrounded by single or double quotes. (#685)

Bug fixes

  • Ignore regular comments in block parsing. (@meztez #718)

  • Block parsing comments, tags and responses ordering match plumber api ordering. (#722)

  • Fixed bug where httpuv would return a status of 500 with body An exception occurred if no headers were set on the response object. (#745)

  • Fixed bug where all pr_*() returned invisibly. Now all pr_*() methods will print the router if displayed in the console. (#740)

  • When calling Plumber$handle() and defining a new PlumberEndpoint, ... will be checked for invalid names. (@meztez, #677)

  • /__swagger__/ now always redirects to /__docs__/, even when Swagger isn't the selected interface. Use options(plumber.legacyRedirects = FALSE) to disable this behavior. (@blairj09 #694)

  • Fixed available_apis() bug where all packages printed all available APIs. (@meztez #708)

  • Fixed Plumber $routes resolution bugs. Routes are now returned in lexicographical order. (@meztez #702)

  • Plumber will now display a circular reference if one is found while printing. (#738)

  • Changed future::plan() from multiprocess to multisession in example API 14-future as "Strategy 'multiprocess' is deprecated in future (>= 1.20.0)". (#747)

  • Setting options to NULL will also set deprecated but supported option plumber.swagger.url. (#766)