An akka-jeasy integrated rule engine library which its goal is to implement rule engine in a non blocking manner.
- Create A message to carry your facts to BaseAkkaRuleActor in that message. this class extends BaseFactsMessage.class and implements Serializable. apply an @FactMessage(validateBy = YourRuleClass.class) to it at class level.
- Create YourRuleClass and apply @Rule at class level and specify an @Condition method. also implement the takeRuleAction() method.
- Finally in your main class main method add following lines:
ActorSystem system = ActorSystem.create("worldSystem");
ActorRef baseAkkaRuleActor = system.actorOf(Props.create(BaseAkkaRuleActor.class),"baseAkkaRuleActor");
// create your facts
Facts facts= new Facts();
try {
// pass the apropriate Fact Message to baseAkkaRuleActor
baseAkkaRuleActor.tell(new AccountOpeningAgeFactsMessage( facts),ActorRef.noSender());
} catch (Exception e) {
now run the code, Tada! you have a non blocking rule engine. also there is a full working example at example package.