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@github-actions github-actions released this 05 Nov 02:28

PrettyTables v0.10.0

Diff since v0.9.1

  • same_column_size was renamed to equal_columns_width.
  • Remove dependency Parameters.jl. This reduced the loading time in 30% but some features related to structure copying are now missing. (Issue #79)
  • All table format variables now has the prefix tf_. This was required to avoid naming conflicts since some variables like matrix have common names.
  • screen_size was renamed to display_size.
  • If a table is cropped in text back-end, then a summary indicating the number of omitted rows and columns is now printed. This can be disable by the option show_omitted_cell_summary.
  • PrettyTables.jl now uses compact printing by default.
  • LaTeX tables when using tabular is now wrapped inside a table environment.
  • PrettyTables.jl does not print trailing spaces anymore.
  • Option crop_subheader in text back-end. If this option is true, PrettyTables.jl neglects the subheader length when computing the row size, cropping it if necessary.
  • Option minimum_columns_width in text back-end. This option allows the user the specify the minimum allowed size of each column.
  • Option maximum_columns_width in text back-end. This option allows the user the specify the maximum allowed size of each column.
  • Option title. It is now possible to define the table title in all back-ends. (Issue #32)
  • Header cells can now be aligned independently from the column alignment. (Issue #66)
  • Option hlines in LaTeX back-end. The user can now define where they want horizontal lines in the LaTeX back-end. (Issue #70)
  • Option cell_first_line_only. If true, then only the first line of the cells are printed.
  • Option row_number_alignment in text back-end. This option can be used to select the alignment of the row number column in text back-end.
  • PrettyTables.jl can now render Markdown cells in all back-ends. (PR #63 and other commits)
  • Option crop_num_lines_at_beginning in text back-end. This option defines how many lines are skipped at the beginning when cropping the table.
  • Option newline_at_end in text back-end. If false, then the table is printed without a newline character at end.
  • Option continuation_row_alignment in text back-end. This option allows the user to select the alignment of the continuation row.
  • Option row_number_column_title. This selects the title of the row number column.
  • A new configuration system is added so that the user can create structures storing printing configurations to be reused.
  • PrettyTables.jl can now use the function print or show to render the cells. This is selected by the keyword renderer.
  • Option ellipsis_line_skip in text back-end. This option configures how many lines are skipped when showing ellipsis to indicate that the lines were cropped.
  • Text back-end can now crop a table in the middle. The behavior can be selected by the keyword vcrop_mode.
  • PrettyTables.jl can now handle UTF-8 strings with variable character size.
  • PrettyTables.jl now supports #undef cells.
  • A lot of optimizations were performed to decrease the time to print the first table, which is now almost 45% less.
  • LaTeX output is now indented.
  • HTML output is now indented.
  • The types when printing Tables.jl now has a compact representation.
  • show_row_number is now available in all back-ends.
  • Revamp of internal mechanism of text back-end, leading to a much more organized code base.
  • The original data is now passed to highlighters and filters when the table complies with Tables.jl API. (Issue #65)
  • LaTeX alignment was wrong in filtered columns.
  • Fix row name crayons in text back-end. (Issue #68)
  • Do not throw an error is a table is empty.
  • End of support of Julia 1.4. The supported versions are 1.0 and 1.5.

Closed issues:

  • Add title option (#32)
  • Export table to PDF/PNG (#50)
  • ERROR: LoadError: The object does not have a valid Tables.jl implementation. (#51)
  • New version release (with overwrite functionality)? (#60)
  • Better support for Pluto.jl and IJulia.jl (#61)
  • Add a table title? (#62)
  • Support for rich cell content using Markdown (#64)
  • Wrong data type in filters when using a table compliant with Tables.jl API (#65)
  • Alighment for Headers to be different than data column (#66)
  • row_name_crayon does not work for me (#68)
  • LaTeX backend does not support hlines specifications (#70)
  • Float alignment to decimal dot (#75)
  • Display width in IJulia (Jupyter): how to avoid truncation? (#76)
  • Possible to fix 1.6-DEV issue? (#77)
  • Parameters.jl dep? (#79)

Merged pull requests: