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LLMOps tools to build, chain, evaluate and deploy prompts for GPT and other models.


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Clojars Project

LLMOps for Large Language Model based applications

bosquet chain

All but most trivial LLM applications require complex prompt handling, development, evaluation, secure use, and deployment techniques. Bosquet is building LLMOps functionality (see the tutorial bellow for the parts that are now implemented):


Bosquet allows to specify model parameters incl. access keys either in the prompt definition or when any of the generation functions is run. The second allows to keep secrets and model specific parameters out of the prompt definitions. See below for details.

Quick example

An example of a composable prompt definition to define a prompt answering question with role assumption.

   {:role            "As a brilliant {{you-are}} answer the following question."
    :question        "What is the distance between Io and Europa?"
    :question-answer "Question: {{question}}  Answer: {% llm-generate var-name=answer %}"
    :self-eval       "{{answer}} Is this a correct answer? {% llm-generate var-name=test model=text-curie-001 %}"}
   {:you-are  "astronomer"
    :question "What is the distance from Moon to Io?"}
   [:question-answer :self-eval])
{:you-are "astronomer",
 :question "What is the distance from Moon to Io?",
 "Question: What is the distance from Moon to Io?  Answer: The distance from Earth to Io is about 93,000 miles.",
 :answer "The distance from Earth to Io is about 93,000 miles.",
 "The distance from Earth to Io is about 93,000 miles. Is this a correct answer? The distance from Earth to Io is about 93,000 miles.",
 :test "The distance from Earth to Io is about 93,000 miles."}

Planned features

  • Support access to all main LLM models: GPT, Bloom, and Stable Diffusion to start with.
  • Provide scaffolding for prompt building methods: Role Promoting, Chain of Thought, Zero-Shot CoT, Self Consistency, and more.
  • Vulnerability assessment and monitoring. How possible are prompt leak or injection attacks? Can prompt generate harmful content?
  • Prompt quality evaluation.
  • Developed and tested prompt deployment to Cloudflare Workers, AWS Lambda, or self-host via REST API.
  • Prompt service reliability guarantees.

Current Features

Bosquet relies on Selmer and Pathom to implement composable prompts with advanced template definition functionality.


Composability allows focusing on prompt language and logic, not worrying about resolving the dependencies and sequence of the prompt execution.

prompt chaining

In this prompt definition, Bosquet will ensure the following sequence of execution:

  1. First data needs to be filled in: title - "The Parade" and style - "horror"
  2. These are all the dependencies needed for synopsis generation, and at the place specified with ((bosquet.openai/complete)) an OpenAI API is called to get the results.
  3. Once the synopsis is completed, the review can be done. The synopsis/completion dependency is automatically fulfilled and the review prompt ((bosquet.openai/complete)) will be called to produce the review
  4. Generated text for review will go under review/completion key.


Bosquet uses Selmer to define its templates with all the functionality coming from Selmer's templating language:

  • filters
  • loops
  • branches
  • default values to name a few.

A template example using for loop to fill in the data passed in as a collection

selmer template


Initial support for working with Agents implements ReAct pattern and adds a Wikipedia tool to fulfill tasks.

Example code

(import '[bosquet.agent.wikipedia Wikipedia])
(def prompt-palette (template/load-palettes "resources/prompt-palette/agent"))
(def question
    "Author David Chanoff has collaborated with a U.S. Navy admiral who served as the ambassador to the United Kingdom under which President?")
(solve-task (Wikipedia.) prompt-palette {:task question})

solve-task call accepts:

  • tool parameter (obvious next step is to provide a tool DB and agent will pick the tool for work)
  • prompt-palette defining prompt templates for the agent (see section bellow)
  • parameters defining the task, agent prompt template will define what parameters are needed

Prompt Template

ReAct oriented prompt template structure

  • prompt-palette is where the ReAct flow is defined and where customizations can be made to fine-tune this to solve different tasks.
  • :react/examples this section provides examples of how to solve tasks
  • :react/step-0 prompt template for the initialization of the task
  • :react/step-n prompt template for subsequent thinking steps


One time action need to prep the libs

clj -X:deps prep

Defining and executing prompts

This section is available as a live via Clerk notebook. Start project REPL with

clj -A:dev

to get it running on http://localhost:7777

Bosquet provides the following core functionality:

  • defines prompt templates
  • resolves dependencies between prompts
  • produces AI completions

The following section will show how to use it.

Simple single template case

Let's say we want to generate a synopsis of the play. The synopsis is to be generated from title and genre inputs.

Selmer templating language

Prompt template definition is done with Selmer templating library. It uses {{DATA}} syntax to specify where data needs to be injected.

Bosquet adds to Selmer a specification of where AI generation calls should happen. This is indicated with the {% llm-generate %} tag.

Generation is done with the following Bosquet features:

  • llm-generate will receive all the text preceding it with already filled-in template slots. This text is used as the prompt to be sent to the completion API.
  • bosquet.openai namespace defines completion function, that calls OpenAI API to initiate the completion

Synopsis template

(def synopsis-template
  "You are a playwright. Given the play's title and t's genre
it is your job to write synopsis for that play.

Title: {{title}}
Genre: {{genre}}

Playwright: This is a synopsis for the above play:
{% llm-generate model=text-davinci-003 var-name=play %}")

Note the optional var-name parameter. This is the name of the var to hold generation result and it can be used as a reference in other templates or the same template further down. If var-name is not specified "llm-generate" will be used as the name.


Bosquet will be invoking OpenAI API thus make sure to specify the correct model params including API keys.

llm-generate call to the OpenAI will use configuration parameters specfied in that tag and reflect parameters specified by Open AI API. The tag uses the same names. If config parameters are not used, then defaults are used. Note that the default model is Ada, in production Davinci would be a natural choice.

The impl can be used to switch between the original openai API or thr Azure OpenAI API. They need different environemnt variables for authentication, see here

{impl              openai or azure  , openai default 
 model             ada
 temperature       0.6
 max-tokens        80
 presence-penalty  0.4
 frequence-penalty 0.2
 top-p             1
 n                 1}

The call to generation function takes in:

  • template defined above
  • data is the data to fill in the template slots (title and genre)
  • model-opts optional options for the model, merge with config from the tag

The generation comes back with a tuple where the first member will contain all the text which got its slots filled in and generated completion. The second member of the tuple will contain only the AI-completed part.

(def synopsis
    {:title "Mr. X" :genre "crime"}
    {:impl :openai
     :api-key "<my-key>"}))

Specify model parameter

The gen/complete-template function takes an optional model-opts map which gets merged with the model parametes from inside teh template and overides them, if present. So we cat pass params to the "llm-generate" tag in a template like this:

(def synopsis
    {:title "Mr. X" :genre "crime"}
    {:llm-generate {:model "text-davinci-003"
                    :impl :azure
                    :api-key "xxxx"
                    :api-endpoint ""}))

Generating from templates with dependencies

With the play synopsis generated, we want to add a review of that play. The review prompt template will depend on synopsis generation. With Bosquet we do not need to worry about resolving the dependencies it will be done automatically (powered by Pathom).

Review prompt

(def review-template
  "You are a play critic from the New York Times.
Given the synopsis of play, it is your job to write a review for that play.

Play Synopsis:

Review from a New York Times play critic of the above play:
{% llm-generate model=text-davinci-003 %}")

Both templates need to be added to a map to be jointly processed by Bosquet.

(def play
  {:synopsis synopsis-template
   :review   review-template})

The review prompt template contains a familiar call to generation function and a reference - {{synopsis-completion.synopsis}} - to a generated text for the synopsis.

The reference points to synopsis-completion.synopsis where synopsis-completion points to the map of all completions done by synopsis template and .play pics out the var-name used for that specific generation (multiple generations can be defined in one template).

Thus the references between prompts and completions are constructed using this pattern


To process this more advanced case of templates in the dependency graph, Bosquet provides the gen/complete function taking:

  • prompts map defined above
  • data to fill in fixed slots (Selmer templating)
(def review (gen/complete play 
    {:title "Mr. X" :genre "crime"}
    {:synopsis {:llm-generate {:impl :openai :api-key "<my-key>"}}
     :review   {:llm-generate {:impl :openai :api-key "<my-key>"}}}

In this case the model parameter can be specified as seen in a nested map using additionally the template key, ex.:

(gen/complete play 
  {:title "Mr. X" :genre "crime"}
  {:synopsis { :llm-generate my-model-params}}

Advanced templating with Selmer

Selmer provides lots of great templating functionality. An example of some of those features.

Tweet sentiment batch processing

Let's say we want to get a batch sentiment processor for Tweets.

A template for that:

(def sentimental
  "Estimate the sentiment of the following batch of {{text-type|default:text}} as positive, negative or neutral:
{% for t in tweets %}
* {{t}}
{% endfor %}

{% llm-generate model=text-davinci-003 %}")

First, Selmer provides 'for' tag to process collections of data.

Then, {{text-type|default:text}} shows how defaults can be used. In this case, if text-type is not specified "text" will be used.

Tweets to be processed

(def tweets
   ["How did everyone feel about the Climate Change question last night? Exactly."
    "Didn't catch the full #GOPdebate last night. Here are some of Scott's best lines in 90 seconds."
    "The biggest disappointment of my life came a year ago."])

(def sentiments (gen/complete-template sentimental
                  {:text-type "tweets" :tweets tweets}
                  ... model options ....))


LLMOps tools to build, chain, evaluate and deploy prompts for GPT and other models.







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  • Clojure 99.8%
  • Emacs Lisp 0.2%