Wrapper around the HipChat API.
Big shout out to kurttheviking who wrote the original version of this library (which this version was forked from). This library is heavily based on his original code, this version adds a bunch of wrapper functions for getting rooms and users, and also adds object wrappers around room and user data.
Important Note: This has had basic testing so far, but is not yet extensively tested, so bound to be a couple of bugs in here.
None beyond the Python standard library.
pip install https://github.com/robjohncox/python-simple-hipchat
import hipchat hipster = hipchat.HipChat(token=YourHipChatToken)
Create and Lookup Rooms:
all_rooms = hipster.get_rooms() room = hipster.get_room_by_name('My Room') room = hipster.get_room_by_id(123456) new_room = hipster.create_room('New Room', owner, topic='General Chit-Chat', private=True)
Selected Room Attributes:
room.id room.name room.topic room.members room.participants
Selected Room Functions:
room.send_message('Support Bot', 'There is a problem', notify=True) room.change_topic('Lets talk about something different') room.delete()
Lookup Users:
all_users = hipster.get_users() user = hipster.get_user_by_name('Carol') user = hipster.get_user_by_id(123456)
Selected User Attributes:
user.id user.name user.mention_name user.title user.status
Raw API Access:
hipster.method(url='method/url/', method="GET/POST", parameters={'name':'value', }) hipster.method('rooms/message', method='POST', parameters={'room_id': 8675309, 'from': 'HAL', 'message': 'All your base...'})