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Custom sounds

Robin B edited this page Jun 1, 2019 · 2 revisions

Adding custom sounds

There are two ways to add custom sounds starting with version 5.0.0 -- via interface or manually. If done via interface then no restart is required, if done manually changes only take effect on restart.

Using the interface is highly recommended. It's much less effort and less prone to errors.

For manual management: [theme] always stands for a sound's association and [source] for its source property, or no-source if it has none.

E.g. A soundclip from Megumin (such as "Explosion") would have the theme "megumin" and go into the megumin subfolder of the sounds folder while a Kazuma clip (such as "Steal") has the theme "kazuma" and goes into the "kazuma" subfolder of sounds.


  1. Open the admin panel at the /admin page and log in
  2. Fill out the form for uploads on the very left and click "Upload sound"


  1. Put your new mp3 sound file in the src/resources/sounds/[source]/[theme] folder
  2. Run this query with the values you want to use for the sound:
    • INSERT INTO sounds ( filename, displayname, source, count, theme ) VALUES ( <your>, <values>, <here>, 0, <optional value> );
  3. Restart the website

Modifying sounds


  1. Open the admin panel at the /admin page and log in
  2. Fill out the form for modifying in the center and click "Modify sound".


  1. Rename the file in the src/resources/sounds/[source]/[theme] folder
  2. Run this query with with the new values you want to use for the sound:
    • UPDATE sounds SET filename = <your>, displayname = <values>, source = <here>, count = <and>, theme = <here> WHERE id = <id>;
  3. Restart the website

All values are optional, but at least any one must be filled out.

Removing sounds


  1. Open the admin panel at the /admin page and log in.
  2. Fill out the form for deletion to the right and click "Delete sound"


  1. Delete the file in the src/resources/sounds/[source]/[theme] folder
  2. Run this query with with the value for the sound you want to delete:
    • DELETE FROM sounds WHERE filename = <your value here>;
  3. Restart the website