Convert EDIFACT to "raw" JSON
A tiny utility to convert EDIFACT to "raw" JSON. With "raw" we mean that the final JSON is composed of "arrays of arrays of (arrays of) strings". Higher level EDIFACT must be managed afterwards.
- libedi 1.0.1+
- json module from CCAN
License: 3-caluse BSD
Author: Riccardo Gusmeroli - [email protected]
Want windows executale? See "RELEASES" above
Example usage:
edi2json edi.txt json.txt
with edi.txt (from Wikipedia):
UNA:+.? ' UNB+UNOB:2+8022628000004:14+4306517008994:14+050805:0941+8++DESADV+++EANCOM' UNH+1+DESADV:D:96A:UN:EAN005' BGM+351::9+007774+9' DTM+137:20050714:102' DTM+11:20050805:102' DTM+2:20050714:102' RFF+DQ:007774' RFF+ON:509671432' NAD+SU+8022628000004::9' NAD+BY+4306517005092::9' NAD+DP+4306517005078::9' CPS+1' LIN+1++8022628900014:EN' PIA+1+90001:SA+5082951:BY' IMD+F++:::COMP.SAFARI 65 C/SPECCH.MOLA' QTY+12:66.00:PCE' QTY+21:66.00:PCE' CNT+2:1' UNT+18+1' UNZ+1+8'
produces json.txt:
[ [ [ "\nUNB" ], [ "UNOB", "2" ], [ "8022628000004", "14" ], [ "4306517008994", "14" ], [ "050805", "0941" ], [ "8" ], [ "" ], [ "DESADV" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "EANCOM" ] ], [ [ "\nUNH" ], [ "1" ], [ "DESADV", "D", "96A", "UN", "EAN005" ] ], ....
(please note the "\n" before "UNB")