ESP32 BLE remote control for ZhiJia (ZhiGuang) LED controllers.
- Flash firmware to ESP32 devboard.
- Connect to BLER_AP WiFi access point (password: 12345678) and configure home network connection.
- Send GET requests to HTTP command endpoint: http://<device ip>/cmd/<command name><room id: 0..9>
To bind device to room 1:
- Power off device.
- Direct your browser to http://bler.lan/cmd/bind1 .
- Simultaneously power on device. The device should blink several times to indicate successful binding.
To unbind device use the same steps s for binding:
- Power off device.
- Direct your browser to http://bler.lan/cmd/unbind1 .
- Simultaneously power on device. The device should blink several times to indicate successful binding.
To send command to all devices, use room id 0. For example, to put all light on, send GET request to http://bler.lan/cmd/on0
- bind - bind device to remote, to specific group (room)
- unbind
- on
- off
- a - put first LED channel to max brightness and second channel to zero
- b - put second LED channel to max brightness and first channel to zero
- ab - both LED cahnnels to max brightness
- night