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rlxnix - relacsed nix

Library for reading relacs-flavoured NIX files.

A brief intro

relacs is used to record data and put out stimuli in the context of electrophysiological experiments. It is highly configurable and flexible. What it does is controlled in so-called "ResearchProtokols" (RePro). These RePros are organized as Pluginsets. Whenever a RePro is active, it will dump continuously sampled and/or event traces along with all metadata it knows to file. It may or may not control the stimulation of the recorded system. Usually, the settings of a RePro (the metadata) completely define its behavior. In the extreme, however, the stimulus that the RePro puts out changes dynamically depending on the neuronal responses and may vary from trial to trial. Therefor a very flexible storage approach is needed and the generic nature of NIX data model is well suited for this but, otoh, being generic and flexibility make it a little more demanding to read the data.

rlxnix simplifies the reading of the data from nix files and smooths some edges of the generic storage. IN the context of NIX we would say that rlxnix is a high-level API for reading relacs-flavoured nix files.

Using rlxnix starter

import rlxnix as rlx
relacs_nix_file = "data/2021-01-01-aa.nix"
dataset = rlx.Dataset(relacs_nix_file)

# print out the metadata of the recording session. 
mdata_dict = dataset.metadata

# print the list of the RePros that have been run in the dataset

# Suppose the dataset contains a BaselineActivity repro run
baseline = dataset.repro_runs("BaselineActivity-1")[0]  # needs the exact name, returns a list
print(type(baseline))   # rlxnix.plugins.efish.baseline.Baseline
print(baseline.metadata)  # prints the metadata dict
base_spikes = baseline.spikes  # returns the spike times in seconds

# The SAM repro has been run several times, so far there is no SAM ReProRun class
sam_runs = dataset.repro_runs("sam", exact=False)
print(len(sam_runs))  # some number
sam = sam_runs[0]
print(type(sam))  # rlxnix.repro.ReProRun  --> This is the generic ReProRun
print(len(sam.stimuli))  # the number of stimuli run in the ReProRun
print(sam.stimuli[0].metadata)  # the metadata of the stimulus
spikes, _  = sam.stimuli[0].trace_data("Spikes-1")  # by default the stimulus start time is subtracted from the spike times
local_eod_data, time = sam.stimuli[0].trace_data("LocalEOD-1")

plt.plot(time, local_eod_data)
plt.scatter(spikes, np.ones_like(spikes) * np.max(local_eod_data), color="tab:red")

Adding new RePro classes

relacs plugins implement/inherit the RePro interface. Here we follow a similar approach and rlxnix has a plugin sub-package that in turn contains plugin sets (e.g. efish) which contains several classes that each represent and offer some convenience for accessing the data recorded during the run of a specific RePro, e.g. the Baseline repro.

These classes inherit from rlxnix.ReProRun. If you write your own repro class it has to inherit from ReProRun and must have a class member _repro_name that matches the name of the relacss repro it represents. It must further be added to the import statement(s) in the _init.py_ (e.g.: rlxnix/plugins/efish/_init.py_). If you add your own pluginset this has to be added to the plugins/_init.py_ file. Otherwise the classes will not be automatically detected.


The easiest way is to install it via pip using the test/pypi package

pip install -i rlxnix

Building and installing form source

git clone rlxnix
pip3 install .

To build the documentation use

mkdocs build

or run the shell script


To build and view them locally

mkdocs serve

which builds the documentation and serves them locally under the url

**Note: ** to build the documentation you may need to install the following additional packages: pydoc3, markdown, markdown_include, mkdocs.


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