A helper script for Spider Monkey Panel and foobar2000 which allows to permanently save console logs to a file using the existing method (console.log).
Default UI allows to open the console log into a panel and save its content to a file, but the option is reset on every start-up... thus defeating the idea of logging to a file. Since file logging may be useful on servers, specially when using headless installation and interacting with SMP scripts (to check response), this utility is offered as alternative.
- Saves any message sent to the console on a text file (path configurable).
- Saving is not reset on every start-up (contrary to Foobar2000's native console).
- File is only reset when certain file size is reached (configurable).
- Works 'as is' without any modification on existing scripts, just include it and done.
- Converts sets and maps to arrays before logging.
- Converts standard objects and functions to strings before logging.
- Writing frequency to physical file can be adjusted.
Just include the helper file:
Since the original method has been wrapped, it will work without further modifications on an existing script:
console.log('This is output to log file at foobar profile folder and to console on UI.');
A method has been created to only send the message to the the UI console:
// This simply replicates the original method
console.logUI('This is output only to console on UI. New method.');
Another to send the message to both the console (+ file) and a popup:
// New lines '\n' are split into new entries before sending them to the console
console.popup('This is output to log file at foobar profile folder, console on UI and a popup.\nNew method.', 'My popup');
As a bonus, the profiler has also been wrapped:
// FbProfiler follows the same logic
const test = new FbProfiler('test');
// Do something
for (let i = 0; i < 999999; i++) {Object.getOwnPropertyNames({});}
// Outputs bare time in ms like "143"
// Outputs "test". In standard SMP it would be undefined
// Outputs component name/version/assigned name like "Spider Monkey Panel v1.0.0: profiler (test): 166 ms"
// To console and file
// Only to console
There is an usage example on the 'examples' folder.
- Playlist-Tools-SMP: Different tools for foobar2000.
- Playlist-Manager-SMP: A playlist manager for foobar2000.
- Any of my other scripts....
Since the addon only requires 1 file, i.e. the main helper, you can simply include it along any other script where you will use it.