This library provides simple way to deploy php-based application to different environments.
- Add to you composer.json file the line:
"redcode/deploy": "1.0.*",
- Update composer with command:
composer update redcode/deploy
After installation process you have to spend some time with configuration. Application allow configurations files in yml and json format.
Add config.yml into your project folder:
include: "./app ./src ./web" # files which will be included to the package
exclude: ".git" # files which will be excluded from the package
version: "vcs" # "vcs" - for getting from GIT, or any different for put as it
version-strategy: "merged" # (this option make sense only if version set to "vcs") set to "tag" for getting version from the nearest tag, set to "branch" for getting from branch.
environment: # at least one environment must be set
name: "dev" #
host: "hostname" # hostname of the server
path: "/var/www/website" # the location of the project on the server
name: "prod"
host: "hostname2"
path: "/var/www/website"
local: # commands for executing on a local machine
before: # before creating the package
- "any command line to execute"
after: # after creating the package
- "any command line to execute"
server: # commands for executing on a server
before: # before build extracting
- "any command line to execute"
after: # after build extracting
- "any command line to execute"
cd project/path