This application allows the user to automatically generate a palette of five colors from an input picture. It then allows users to save and manage their palettes, as well as share them publicly on the web.
Upon application startup at the root path (./), the database is initialized using the schema.sql script.
User accounts can be created and accessed using existing credentials.
Publicly accessible palets collection page for users.
Each palette has a unique, shareable 8-character URL.
Logged-in users can delete self-created palets through a "Delete palet" button on the palet page.
A static navigation bar provides options for user logout and returning to the personal page.
Online alpha version:
public user palets:é
# Create virtual environment:
python3 -m venv .venv
# Activate Python (Mac/Linux):
# (Windows PowerShell):
# Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Launch (--debug for quick refresh):
flask --app main run --debug
This version is containerized with Docker using SSL certificates from the deployment server, which must be linked in the Dockerfile.
# build
docker build -t mood-palet .
# launch
docker run -d --restart always -p 2000:8000 -v $(pwd):/app/ mood-palet
Outsources the Docker container database to ensure the persistence of data
Better generation of unique links for creating palette URLs
OAuth2 social sign-in
DB sqlite to MariaDB
Home page with palettes created by all users
Navbar for visitors to all pages with access to the home page
Crop picture feature / Removal of the generate button
Click on the palettes to access their page, instead of the link button
Share button on palette pages
Copy hexadecimal code on click
UI Dark mode