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rdk committed Oct 25, 2024
1 parent aae633f commit a6ad36e
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Showing 19 changed files with 13,980 additions and 3 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions build.gradle
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ dependencies {
implementation 'org.tukaani:xz:1.10'
implementation 'com.github.luben:zstd-jni:1.5.6-6'
implementation 'com.github.dpaukov:combinatoricslib3:3.4.0'
implementation 'us.ihmc:euclid:0.21.0'
implementation 'us.ihmc:euclid:0.22.0'

implementation 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:2.0.16'
implementation 'org.slf4j:jul-to-slf4j:2.0.16' // for netlib logging messages
Expand All @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ dependencies {

implementation fileTree(dir: 'lib', include: '*.jar')

testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.11.2'
testRuntimeOnly 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.11.2'
testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.11.3'
testRuntimeOnly 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.11.3'

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions misc/visualization/predict_1fbl_cif/1fbl.pdb_predictions.csv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
name , rank, score, probability, sas_points, surf_atoms, center_x, center_y, center_z, residue_ids, surf_atom_ids
pocket1 , 1, 9.77, 0.525, 70, 40, 70.5274, 83.4375, -11.5099, A_103 A_180 A_181 A_182 A_183 A_184 A_186 A_214 A_215 A_218 A_219 A_222 A_226 A_227 A_228 A_238 A_239 A_240, 32 33 651 658 659 664 670 676 679 692 700 929 934 938 942 943 958 959 960 961 962 963 971 972 989 991 992 993 994 1016 1026 1033 1035 1036 1106 1112 1118 1119 1122 1124
pocket2 , 2, 3.04, 0.101, 37, 18, 89.2267, 98.6419, 26.7534, A_337 A_339 A_341 A_348 A_357 A_360 A_362 A_366 A_367 A_368 A_400 A_402, 1890 1891 1909 1910 1926 1991 2064 2091 2092 2109 2144 2150 2151 2161 2163 2426 2439 2444
pocket3 , 3, 2.94, 0.095, 34, 15, 61.1038, 70.7493, -13.6472, A_119 A_156 A_160 A_162 A_164 A_168 A_191 A_194 A_196, 171 172 173 472 499 501 514 515 532 560 728 730 746 760 761
pocket4 , 4, 1.87, 0.037, 27, 17, 90.8572, 95.9207, 10.7905, A_290 A_291 A_293 A_304 A_320 A_321 A_340 A_353 A_354, 1488 1489 1490 1497 1499 1513 1619 1620 1756 1757 1766 1769 1917 2030 2031 2034 2035
368 changes: 368 additions & 0 deletions misc/visualization/predict_1fbl_cif/1fbl.pdb_residues.csv

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

195 changes: 195 additions & 0 deletions misc/visualization/predict_1fbl_cif/params.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
version: 2.5-dev.12
git head: aae633f5

apoholo_use_for_eval = false
apoholo_use_for_train = false
atom_table_feat_keep_sgn = false
atom_table_feat_pow = 2.0
atom_table_features = [apRawValids, apRawInvalids, atomicHydrophobicity]
average_feat_vectors = false
avg_pow = 1.0
avg_weighted = false
balance_class_weights = false
balance_density = false
balance_density_radius = 2.0
cache_datasets = false
chains = keep
check_vectors = false
classifier = FastRandomForest
classifier_train_stats = false
clear_prim_caches = false
clear_sec_caches = false
collect_eval_vectors = false
collect_only_once = true
conserv_cloud_radius = 10.0
conservation_dirs = []
conservation_exponent = 1
crossval_threads = 1
dataset_base_dir = C:\PHD\WORKSPACE\P2RANK\p2rank-private\distro\test_data
deep_surrounding = false
delete_models = true
delete_vectors = true
electrostatics_dirs = []
eval_tolerances = [0, 1, 2, 4, 10, 99]
extended_pocket_cutoff = 3.5
extra_features = []
fail_fast = false
fail_on_conserv_seq_mismatch = false
false_positive_cost = 2.0
feat_aa_properties = []
feat_asa_neigh_radius = 6.0
feat_asa_probe_radius = 1.4
feat_asa_probe_radius2 = 3.0
feat_crang_contact_dist = 3.0
feat_csv_columns = []
feat_csv_directories = []
feat_csv_ignore_missing = false
feat_pmass_natoms = 70
feat_pmass_nsasp = 40
feat_pmass_radius = 11.0
feat_propensity_tables = SprintT1070
feat_stmotif_motifs = [C2H2, C4, C3H1, E1H2, C2H1, H3, D1H2, C3, D1H1, E1H1, C1H3, C2, H2]
feat_stmotif_radius = 4.0
feat_stmotif_useradius = true
feature_filters = []
feature_importances = false
features = [chem, volsite, protrusion, bfactor]
folds = 5
fpocket_command = fpocket
grid_cell_edge = 2.0
grid_cutoff_radius = 3.4
hopt_cache_labeled_points = false
hopt_max_iterations = 1000
hopt_objective = DCA_4_0
hopt_optimizer = spearmint
hopt_python_command = python
hopt_spearmint_dir =
hopt_train_only_once = false
identify_peptides_by_labeling = false
ignore_het_groups = [HOH, DOD, WAT, NAG, MAN, UNK, GLC, ABA, MPD, GOL, SO4, PO4]
inner_classifier = FastRandomForest
installDir = C:\PHD\WORKSPACE\P2RANK\p2rank-private\distro
label_residues = true
ligand_clustering_distance = 1.7
ligand_derived_point_labeling = true
ligand_induced_volume_cutoff = 2.5
ligand_protein_contact_distance = 4.0
ligc_prot_dist = 5.5
load_conservation = false
loaded_pockets_limit = 0
log_cases = true
log_level = INFO
log_scores_to_file =
log_to_console = true
log_to_file = true
loop = 1
max_train_instances = 0
meta_classifier_iterations = 5
min_ligand_atoms = 5
model = default
neighbourhood_radius = 6.0
neutral_points_margin = 5.5
out_file = <null>
out_format = keep
out_prefix_date = false
out_subdir = <null>
output_base_dir = C:\PHD\WORKSPACE\P2RANK\p2rank-private\distro\test_output
output_only_stats = false
pair_hist_bins = 5
pair_hist_deep = true
pair_hist_normalize = false
pair_hist_radius = 6.0
pair_hist_smooth = false
pair_hist_subsample_limit = 0
parallel = true
plb_rescorer_atomic = false
ploop_delete_runs = false
ploop_zip_runs = false
point_max_distfrom_pocket = 4.5
point_min_distfrom_protein = 2.5
point_sampler = SurfacePointSampler
point_sampling_strategy = surface
point_score_pow = 2.0
positive_def_ligtypes = [relevant]
positive_point_ligand_distance = 2.6
pred_clustering_dist = 3.0
pred_min_cluster_size = 3
pred_point_threshold = 0.35
pred_protein_surface_cutoff = 3.5
predict_residues = false
predictions = true
probatp_res_transformer = residue/default_ProbabilityScoreTransformer.json
probatp_transformer = default_ProbabilityScoreTransformer.json
protr_hist_bins = 5
protr_hist_cumulative = false
protr_hist_relative = false
protrusion_radius = 10.0
r_generate_plots = true
r_plot_stddevs = false
r_threads = 2
randomize_seed = false
rescorer = ModelBasedRescorer
residue_point_score_pow = -1.0
residue_score_extra_dist = 2.0
residue_score_only_exposed = false
residue_score_sum_to_avg = 0.0
residue_score_threshold = 1.0
residue_score_transform = NONE
residue_table_features = []
rf_bagsize = 100
rf_batch_prediction = true
rf_depth = 0
rf_ensure_leaves_normalized = false
rf_features = 0
rf_flatten = false
rf_flatten_as_legacy = true
rf_threads = 0
rf_trees = 100
sample_negatives_from_decoys = false
sampling_multiplier = 3
score_pockets_by = p2rank
score_point_limit = 0
seed = 42
smooth_representation = false
smoothing_radius = 4.5
solvent_radius = 1.6
ss_cloud_radius = 10.0
stats_collect_predictions = true
stats_curves = false
stdout_timestamp =
strict_inner_points = false
subsampl_high_protrusion_negatives = false
subsample = false
supersample = false
surface_additional_cutoff = 2.5
target_class_ratio = 0.1
target_class_weight_ratio = 0.1
tessellation = 2
threads = 17
train_lig_cutoff = 0.0
train_pockets = 9
train_protein_limit = 0
train_random_rotated_copies = 0
train_score_transformers = []
train_score_transformers_for_residues = false
train_tessellation = 2
train_tessellation_negatives = 2
use_kdtree_cutout_sphere_thrashold = 150
use_only_positive_score = true
use_optimized_surface = true
vis_all_surface = false
vis_copy_proteins = true
vis_generate_proteins = true
vis_highlight_ligands = false
visualizations = true
weight_dist_param = 4.5
weight_function = INV
weight_power = 2.0
weight_sigma = 2.2
zip_log_file = false
zip_visualizations = false
zscoretp_res_transformer = residue/default_ZscoreTpTransformer.json
zscoretp_transformer = default_ZscoreTpTransformer.json
75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions misc/visualization/predict_1fbl_cif/visualizations/1fbl.pdb.pml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@

from pymol import cmd,stored

set depth_cue, 1
set fog_start, 0.4

set_color b_col, [36,36,85]
set_color t_col, [10,10,10]
set bg_rgb_bottom, b_col
set bg_rgb_top, t_col
set bg_gradient

set spec_power = 200
set spec_refl = 0

load "data/1fbl.pdb", protein
create ligands, protein and organic
select xlig, protein and organic
delete xlig

hide everything, all

color white, elem c
color bluewhite, protein
#show_as cartoon, protein
show surface, protein
#set transparency, 0.15

show sticks, ligands
set stick_color, magenta

# SAS points

load "data/1fbl.pdb_points.pdb.gz", points
hide nonbonded, points
show nb_spheres, points
set sphere_scale, 0.2, points
cmd.spectrum("b", "green_red", selection="points", minimum=0, maximum=0.7)

cmd.iterate("(resn STP)","stored.list.append(resi)") # read info about residues STP
lastSTP=stored.list[-1] # get the index of the last residue
hide lines, resn STP"rest", "resn STP and resi 0")

for my_index in range(1,int(lastSTP)+1):"pocket"+str(my_index), "resn STP and resi "+str(my_index))
for my_index in range(1,int(lastSTP)+1):"spheres","pocket"+str(my_index))
for my_index in range(1,int(lastSTP)+1): cmd.set("sphere_scale","0.4","pocket"+str(my_index))
for my_index in range(1,int(lastSTP)+1): cmd.set("sphere_transparency","0.1","pocket"+str(my_index))

set_color pcol1 = [0.361,0.576,0.902]
select surf_pocket1, protein and id [991,992,993,994,1033,1035,1036,1026,664,670,676,971,679,958,959,960,961,962,963,938,942,972,934,929,943,989,1016,32,692,700,33,1118,1119,658,659,1122,1124,651,1112,1106]
set surface_color, pcol1, surf_pocket1
set_color pcol2 = [0.490,0.278,0.702]
select surf_pocket2, protein and id [2109,2144,2091,2092,1991,2150,2151,2161,2163,2444,1891,2426,2439,1910,2064,1909,1890,1926]
set surface_color, pcol2, surf_pocket2
set_color pcol3 = [0.902,0.361,0.682]
select surf_pocket3, protein and id [760,761,730,728,746,173,514,515,171,172,501,472,499,532,560]
set surface_color, pcol3, surf_pocket3
set_color pcol4 = [0.702,0.408,0.278]
select surf_pocket4, protein and id [1488,1497,1513,1619,1620,1769,1490,1756,1757,1489,1766,1917,1499,2030,2031,2034,2035]
set surface_color, pcol4, surf_pocket4




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