Develop and Debug Chrome apps. The Chrome Apps Developer Tool helps developers build and debug Chrome Apps and Extensions.
The features include:
- Separate view for unpacked apps/extensions
- Inspect views for inspecting app/extension pages using dev tools
- Reload an app/extension
- Launch an app/extension
- View permissions
- Pack an app/extension
- Uninstall an app/extension
- Load an unpacked app/extension
- Search for app/extension
Use the following key in the manifest.json file in order to run a development version of Chrome Apps Developer Tools.
"key": "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDdTTWp0WWTp4XU15/xCchl4x4ZvG31cx/VT567UDgMLUL/+8j+3w3C87UJemJ3I5x81XJv8lhK3eIxR05H59UFsW9C70/hZCQeOhi5Uutl1gAlG4xsJAX9EQjFmmKsN88wmfZvxNPlu0WoxtHxjXKogRfk+wujanMyXnmhHaDrvwIDAQAB"