- Install Splunk binaries as needed:
- Standard Splunk Install
- Heavy Forwarder
- Universal Forwarder
- Setup syslog-ng for centralized logging:
- Install and configure syslog-ng.
- Configure Splunk to monitor the syslog-ng logs.
- Create cron job to delete old logs.
- The task "Install Splunk Forwarder App" is not idempotent.
- Fix the {{ splunk_home }} in the splunk_syslog_inputs role.
- Create a custom sourceytpe for syslog-ng (make sure it works on Universal and Heavy forwarders)
- Allow send_to_forwarder_app to be loaded from an external source (like the Splunk package).
- Use cust_vars.yml to define the native Splunk UDP/TCP listeners.
- Research the correct way to handle the default syslog-ng.conf file (just commenting defaults out now).
- Only the platform specific splunk_forwarder tasks should be in centos.yml.