This is a Rich Text Editor (based on DraftJs) that allows user to add comments and emoji's into articles.
- Add Comments and Emoji's into rich text editor
- Hover over the comments (right hand side) or the commented keywords to highlight the corresponding keyword or comment
- Save the document to the browser's local storage, so that it can be loaded next time
- Start editing document
- To add comments, highlight some text, then click "Comment" button 2.1. To change the comment color, type in any CSS color like "blue" or "#00f" or "#0000ff"
- To delete a comment, click the Red X button inside the comment dialog's top right hand corner.
- To Save the document to the browser's local storage, stype in a file name into the editable dropdown control on the top right corner of the window, then select "Create " 4.1. Existing saved documents can also be deleted by clicking the "Delete" button in the droddown menu.
- Best viewed in Desktop browser
- Although it would still work in mobile browsers, it's not as intuitive (e.g. selecting text)
- Better placement of the comments (currently just stacking the comments
- Better mobile browser support
- Add in more Rich Text Box features (e.g. Colors, Highlighting, Images)