This repository contains the public and open-source set of rules built and run by Range for the Osmosis network. All detector rules are built with the Range SDK.
anomalous-tx-volume: Rule to detect if there are anomalies in the number of times a contract is called
auth-msg-update-params: Rule that triggers if the parameters of the
module are changed -
authz-abuse: Rule that may detect phishing attacks by anomalies on the usage of
grant messages -
contract-admin-update: Rule that triggers when the admin of a contract is updated
contract-instantiation: Rule that triggers if a contract with a given
is instantiated -
distribution-msg-community-pool-spend: Rule that triggers if funds from the community pool are spent
distribution-msg-fund-community-pool: Rule that triggers if the community pool is funded
ibc-addr-txs: Rule that detects if a specific address performs more than
transaction over a time windowt
ibc-channel-avg-pending-tx: Rule that detects if there are more pending IBC transfers than usual
ibc-channel-failed-tx: Rule that detects if there are more failed IBC transfers than usual
ibc-channel-failed-tx-perc: Rule that triggers if the ratio of failed IBC transfers for a specific channel is higher than usual
ibc-channel-flow-quota-x: Rule that triggers if more than
% of a ibc rate limit quota is surpassed -
ibc-channel-num-txs: Rule that triggers with there are more IBC transfers in a channel than a threshold
ibc-channel-pending-tx: Rule that triggers if there are more IBC pending txs in a channel than a threshold
incentive-gauge-created: Rule that triggers if an incentive gauge is created
large-stake: Rule that triggers when a large amount is staked to a validator
large-unstake: Rule that triggers when a large amount is unstaked from a validator
more-than-x-txs-in-last-hour: Rule that triggers when the number of transactions by an address passes above a threshold
new-contract-code-stored: Rule that triggers when a new CosmWasm contract code is stored
new-pool-created: Rule that triggers when a new liquidity pool is created
new-validator-created: Rule that triggers when a new validator is created
relayer-low-on-funds: Rule that detects when the balance of a relayer goes below a certain threshold
slashing-msg-unjail: Rule that triggers when a validator is unjailed
slashing-msg-update-params: Rule that triggers when the parameters of the
module are updated -
staking-msg-update-params: Rule that triggers when the parameters of the
module are updated -
token-factory-burn: Rule that triggers when tokens of a specific denom are burned
token-factory-change-admin: Rule that triggers then the admin of a
token are updated -
token-factory-create-denom: Rule that triggers when a new
denom is created -
token-factory-mint: Rule that triggers when tokens of a specific denom are minted
token-factory-set-denom-metadata: Rule that triggers when the metadata of a specific denom is updated
unusual-high-gas-usage: Rule that detects when unusual high gas usage is detected for a message type
upgrade-msg-cancel-upgrade: Rule that triggers when a network software upgrade is cancelled
upgrade-msg-software-upgrade: Rule that triggers when a software upgrade is performed
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. See the LICENSE file for details.