cmtool is a command line tool written in standard C to query the Brain Coactivation Map data (available from NITRC).
Alternatively, you can also use our interactive viewer CoactivationMap.
argv[1]: cmapdir | cmapdir=coactivation map directory (contains
| defaults.txt, sum.img, brainspell.xml)
argv[2,3]:{mni x,y,z|vol i,j,k|roi path| | mni x,y,z= seed coordinates in MNI space,
tag name|vol6 i,j,k,x,y,z| | vol i,j,k= seed coordinates in volume index
| space,
mnifile path} | roi {average} path= path to ROI file to use
| as multiple seeds or average through all seeds
| tag name= name of the tag to pull
| vol6 i,j,k are seed coordinates, x,y,z are
| space coordinates, 3 coordinates must have a
| number, the others will be scanned
| mnifile path= path to text file containing
| seeds in MNI space,
argv[4...] commands:
-swap | swap endianness in coactivation map files
| (coincidence, sum)
-average | average over the ROI
-convert {lr|mi|logp|t|phir|dct} | convert map to lr=likelihood ratio, mi=mutual
| information, logp=log p-value of likelihood
| ratio test, t=t-value, phir=phi-correlation,
| dct=discrete cosinus transform
-out root | root=root name for output files (end with /
| for directory)
-meshdisplay {name|code} | display mesh tags as names or codes (default
| is "codes")
-meshfilter root | in article selection, only report mesh heading
| codes (not names) under root (default "F")
-coverseed | in article selection, only report articles that
| cover the seed node (default, NO)
-coverage thrs | in article selection, minimum coverage (from 0
| to 100) of network nodes to report an article
| (default, 0)
-save map | save the map
[DEL] -save average | save the average map (only for argv[2]=roi)
-save peaks thrs R | save list of map peaks detected with threshold
| thrs and radius R
-save articles thrs R | save list of articles intersecting the map
| peaks detected with threshold thrs and radius R
-save topmesh | rank mesh tags based on a map-weighted sum
| throughout all papers. Save the top 100
-saveroiarticles | save list of articles intersecting the ROI
| (arg[2,3]=roi path)
Get the map corresponding to voxel indices 6,24,23 as a likelihood ratio volume
./cmtool coincidences2013 -vol 6,24,23 -convert lr -out ~/Desktop/ -save map
Get the map corresponding to voxel 6,24,23 as a phi-correlation volume
./cmtool coincidences2013 -vol 6,24,23 -convert phir -out ~/Desktop/ -save map
Compute all the maps for voxels in the left insula region of interest, convert them to phi-correlations, average them and save
./cmtool coincidences2013 -roi 01roi/left_insula_ROI.hdr -convert phir -average -out ~/Desktop/ -save map
Compute the phi-correlation map corresponding to voxel 6,24,23 and save the peaks over 0.2 within a neighbourhood of size 4 voxels
./cmtool coincidences2013 -vol 6,24,23 -convert phir -out ~/Desktop/ -save peaks 0.2 4
Compute the phi-correlation map corresponding to voxel 6,24,23, compute the peaks over 0.2 within a neighbourhood of size 4 voxels, save the tags of the resulting articles
./cmtool coincidences2013 -vol 6,24,23 -convert phir -out ~/Desktop/ -save articles 0.2 4
Compute all the maps for voxels in the left insula region of interest, convert them to phi-correlations, average them and save the list of peaks over 0.1 within a neighbourhood of 4
./cmtool coincidences2013 -roi 01roi/left_insula_ROI.hdr -convert phir -average -out ~/Desktop/ -save peaks 0.1 4
More examples:
./cmtool coincidences2013 -roi 01roi/left_insula_ROI.hdr -convert phir -average -coverseed -out ~/Desktop/ -save articles 0.1 4
./cmtool coincidences2013 -roi 01roi/left_insula_ROI.hdr -convert phir -average -coverseed -coverage 50 -out ~/Desktop/ -save articles 0.1 4
./cmtool coincidences2013 -roi 01roi/left_insula_ROI.hdr -out ~/Desktop/ -saveroiarticles
./cmtool coincidences2013 -vol 6,24,23 -convert dct -out ~/Desktop/ -save map
./cmtool coincidences2013 -roimask.hdr -convert dct -out ~/Desktop/cmap-dct/ -average -save map
./cmtool coincidences2013 -vol 6,24,23 -convert phir -out ~/Desktop/ -save topmesh
./cmtool coincidences2013 -vol 6,24,23 -convert phir -out ~/Desktop/test -save articles 0.1 4
./cmtool coincidences2013 -vol 6,24,23 -convert phir -out ~/Desktop/test -meshfilter F03 -save articles 0.1 4
./cmtool coincidences2013 -vol 6,24,23 -convert phir -out ~/Desktop/test -meshfilter F03 -meshdisplay name -save articles 0.1 4