graph TD
A[Start<br>Print Instructions] --> Turn{Start Turn};
Turn ---->|Traveled >= 2040 Miles| Oregon[Successfully<br>Reached Oregon];
Turn -->|Illness or Injury| Doctor;
Doctor --> |Can't Afford $20| Pneumonia;
Doctor --> |Can't Afford $20| Injuries;
Pneumonia --> Death;
Injuries --> Death;
Turn ---->|Traveled > 40 Weeks| Death[You have died];
Turn -->|Need Food| Hunt[Hunt];
Turn -->|Stop at a Fort| Fort[Fort<br>Buy Supplies<br>Buying 33% more expensive];
Turn --> E[Eat];
E -->|Travel| R[Riders Ahead];
R --> Turn;
Fort -->|Lose 45 Miles| E;
Hunt -->|Not enough food| Starve[Starvation]
Hunt -->|Lose 45 Miles| E;
Starve --> Death
style Oregon fill:#bbf,stroke:#6f6,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff,stroke-thick: 5 5
style Death fill:#bbf,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff,stroke-thick: 5 5
Random Number Generation:
- rand(range) = random number between 1 and (range-1)
- Miles Traveled += 200 + ((Oxen Spend - 220)/(5 + rand(10)))
docker build -t oregon .
docker run -v $(pwd):/home/rust_oregontrail_1978 -it oregon
cargo test
# Prepare for code coverage (included in Dockerfile)
cargo install grcov
rustup component add llvm-tools-preview
rustup toolchain install nightly
# Test w/ code coverage
export RUSTFLAGS="-Zinstrument-coverage"
cargo +nightly test
grcov . --binary-path target/debug -s . -t html --branch --ignore-not-existing --excl-start "// GCOVR_EXCL_START" --excl-stop "// GCOVR_EXCL_STOP" -o ./coverage/
cargo build --release
# Development
cargo run
# Release