On macOS, you have 2 options:
Installing with homebrew:
- when you first invoque
, macOS will prompt you to install the Command Line Tools - install brew
- install zsh mosh tmux mas mtr pwgen youtube-dl subnetcalc htop glances tldr git hub via brew
- iterm2 and font-source-code-pro via brew cask
- Oh my ZSH, zsh-syntax-highlighting, zsh-autosuggestions plugins and spaceship-prompt theme
- link all configuration files
- link all bin files in
- install SpaceVim
- set custom iterm2 preference folder and set preference
- change shell for $USER
Installing with macports:
- check if you have XCode installed (required)
- once Xcode install, restart the script, it will accept Xcode license
- install macports (for 10.13 or 10.14, 10.12 and lower not compatible)
- install zsh mosh tmux mas mtr pwgen youtube-dl subnetcalc htop glances git hub via macports
- install latest iterm2 and font-source-code-pro manually
- Oh my ZSH, zsh-syntax-highlighting, zsh-autosuggestions plugins and spaceship-prompt theme
- link all configuration files
- link all bin files in
- install SpaceVim
- set custom iterm2 preference folder and set preference
- change shell for $USER
On Linux (ubuntu/debian):
- you will need to install git manually first (if it's not there already)
- install zsh vim mosh tmux mtr pwgen youtube-dl subnetcalc htop glances tldr curl via apt
- Oh my ZSH, zsh-syntax-highlighting, zsh-autosuggestions plugins and spaceship-prompt theme
- link all configuration files
- install SpaceVim
- change shell for $USER
If you want to use these, clone the repository:
cd ~/your_main_git_folder
git clone [email protected]:psaintemarie/dotfiles.git
You'll need to use the right setup file, for macOS or Linux
cd ~/your_main_git_folder/dotfiles
sh setup-macos-brew
sh setup-macos-macports
sh setup-linux
On macOS, you can install the Dracula theme for Terminal.app
- Terminal > Settings Tab
- Click "Gear" icon
- Click Import...
- Select the Dracula.terminal file
- Click Default