Spring Boot application returns next holiday after the given date that will happen on the same day in both countries.
The application can be started by issuing the following command in the command line:
on mac/linux:
./gradlew clean bootRun
on windows:
.\gradlew clean bootRun
Ensure you have correct JAVA_HOME path.
You can also run application in Intellij IDEA.
To stop the service (when it is running with gradle bootRun
) use Control-C.
GET: <HOST>:8080/api/holidays/next-holiday
Endpoint returns next holiday after the given date that will happen on the same day in both countries. If the first country and second country code are the same just return next holiday in the country. If in the country with this date exists a few holidays then merge holiday names. Checks the current year and when holiday not matches in countries checks also next year holidays, when again not match then stopped checking.
Required params:
- Date with a formatyyyy-MM-dd
- Two letters first country code.country2
- Two letters second country code.
Example URL: localhost:8080/api/holidays/next-holiday?date=2020-10-10&country1=PR&country2=PL
Tests can be run by the following command in the command line:
on mac/linux:
./gradlew clean test
on windows:
.\gradlew clean test
Ensure you have correct JAVA_HOME path.
- Install Lombok plugins under File -> Settings -> Plugins -> Browse repositories... search for the Lombok and install.
- Check the Enable annotation processing checkbox under File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Compiler -> Annotation Processors.
- Java 11
- Spring Boot 2.3.4