Unrelated Clojure utilities
[acyclic/utils "0.0.2"]
Define cli-options
as per clojure.tools.cli
and a function doit
that takes a key-value map and returns some result. Then
(defn -main [& args] (edn-app args cli-options doit)
If you do not specify corresponding options yourself, then you'll get for free:
- --log LOGLEVEL (e.g. "debug", "info", etc., which will be
ed and passed totimbre
- --help (prints out an unfriendly but useful dump of option definitions)
- --id SOMESTRING (Anything to uniquely identify this invocation)
- --hang SECS (Sleep for SECS before exiting)
- --opts EDNMAP (The entire options map in EDN parseable form, e.g.
{:yournum 3 :id \"XYZ\"}
Options will be processed into key-value pairs (as per clojure.tools.cli
and the return value of doit will be wrapped as
{:result return-value-of-doit
:exception nil-or-stack-trace
:log nil-or-vector
:id the-id-you-specified-or-X
and printed to standard output in EDN parseable form.
See http://blog.podsnap.com/pinhole.html
A few handy functions that I and probably nobody else will use in concert with
(strack-trace e)
- returns a full stack trace from anException
as a vector of strings(fname f)
- returns the qualified name of a clojure function, as a string(set-logging level)
- Sets thetimbre
logging level as specified and installs an appender that- accrues log events in a vector
- prints them to stderr as well
(with-accrued-log m)
- places the vector of accrued events into mapm
, keyed by:log
Copyright © 2014 Peter Fraenkel
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.