v1.0.0 - First release
The initial launch of HVAC|Engine, a psychrometrics analysis toolkit for engineers and software development.
Moist air properties:
- atmospheric pressure based on height above sea level,
- temperature change based on height above sea level,
- water vapour saturation pressure,
- dew point temperature and wet bulb temperature,
- air relative humidity,
- humidity ratio and maximum humidity ratio,
- kinematic and dynamic viscosity,
- thermal conductivity,
- specific enthalpy of humid air with water mist and ice mist components,
- specific heat,
- density,
- thermal diffusivity,
- Prandtl number.
Liquid water properties:
- specific heat,
- density,
- specific enthalpy.
Physics of flow:
- mass flow,
- volumetric flow,
- mass flow of dry air component,
- volumetric flow of dry air component,
- based on flow type specified during instance creation, other flows will be recalculated accordingly for specified
Fluid properties,
Air heating:
- heating process for input heat,
- heating process for target outlet air temperature,
- heating process for target outlet air relative humidity,
Air cooling:
- dry cooling process for input heat,
- dry cooling process for target outlet air temperature,
- real cooling process with condensate discharge process for input heat,
- real cooling process with condensate discharge process for target outlet temperature,
- real cooling process with condensate discharge process for target outlet relative humidity,
Air stream mixing:
- simple mixing of two flows with humidity content,
- mixing of multiple flows with humidity content,
- mixing algorithm which will try to adjust inlet and recirculation flow accordingly, to meet target output dry air mass
flow and target outlet temperature.