A module that allows for deployment of digitalocean droplets with minimal required parameters.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
backups | (Optional) Boolean controlling if backups are made. Defaults to false. | string | "false" |
no |
image | (Optional) The Droplet image ID or slug. Default is ubuntu-18-04-x64. | string | "ubuntu-18-04-x64" |
no |
ipv6 | (Optional) Boolean controlling if IPv6 is enabled. Defaults to false. | string | "false" |
no |
monitoring | (Optional) Boolean controlling whether monitoring agent is installed. Defaults to false.(Optional) Boolean controlling whether monitoring agent is installed. Defaults to false. | string | "false" |
no |
name | (Required) The Droplet name. | string | n/a | yes |
private_networking | (Optional) Boolean controlling if private networks are enabled. Defaults to false. | string | "false" |
no |
region | (Optional) The region to start in. Default is nyc1. | string | "nyc1" |
no |
size | (Optional) The unique slug that indentifies the type of Droplet. You can find a list of available slugs on in https://developers.digitalocean.com/documentation/v2/#list-all-sizes. Default is s-1vcpu-1gb. | string | "s-1vcpu-1gb" |
no |
ssh_keys | (Optional) A list of SSH IDs or fingerprints to enable in the format [12345, 123456]. To retrieve this info, use a tool such as curl with the DigitalOcean API, to retrieve them. | list | <list> |
no |
tags | (Optional) A list of the tags to be applied to this Droplet. | list | <list> |
no |
user_data | (Required) A string of the desired User Data for the Droplet. | string | "" |
yes |
volume_ids | (Optional) A list of the IDs of each block storage volume to be attached to the Droplet. | list | <list> |
no |
Name | Description |
id | The ID of the Droplet |
image | The image of the Droplet |
ipv4_address | The IPv4 Address of the Droplet |
name | The name of the Droplet |
region | The region of the Droplet |
status | The status of the Droplet |
urn | The uniform resource name of the Droplet |