Display the Delaunay triangulation generated by various third parties.
- Read files in format: SVG, DAT, CDT.
- Supported triangulation third parties:
- Choice between a point cloud triangulation (convex hull) and a constrained Delaunay triangulation.
- Option to compute the proximity graphs.
In addition to the triangulation libraries themselves:
- Dear ImGui
- GL3W (Also see: README)
- Portable File Dialogs
- simple-svg
- bx (A dependency of simple-svg)
- Argagg
- Catch2 (For unit testing)
With CMake. For example on Windows:
mkdir ./build
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" ..
cmake --build . --config Release
Install in some dir:
cmake --install . --config Release --prefix <some_dir>
Or, package the library:
cpack -G ZIP -C Release
This project does not accept pull requests at the moment.
Please submit an issue for a feature request, a bug report or any question.
[1] De Berg M., Cheong O., van Kreveld M., Overmars M. "Computational geometry, algorithms and applications." Third edition (Berlin: Springer-Verlag.) 2008
[2] J.S.B. Mitchell and W. Mulzer "Proximity Algorithms." Chap. 32 in: Handbook of Discrete and Computational Geometry, 3rd edition.
[3] Shewchuk's Triangle library: Website