This repository has been archived since we are not using it anymore internally. Feel free to use it AS-IS, we won't be providing any support anymore.
This package contains a Symfony Bridge for the soap-client.
The SOAP requests and responses will be logged in the profiler page.
A stopwatch is collecting information about runtime and memory usage.
This version is compatible with Symfony 3.2
$ composer require --dev phpro/soap-client-sf2-bridge
// AppKernel.php
if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test'))) {
$bundles[] = new Phpro\SoapClient\BridgeBundle\PhproSoapClientBridgeBundle();
The DataCollector listens to the default event dispatcher.
If you configured the soap-client to use another event dispatcher, you can mark it with the tag: phpro_soap_client.event_dispatcher
# services.yml
class: Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher
- { name: phpro_soap_client.event_dispatcher }
Don't forget to register the EventDispatcher on your ClientBuilder as in the example below.