This Project is chinese translation for FreeOrion. Now, about 30% translation has completed.
The Project include two files. One is stringtable file "zh-cn.txt", another is chinese font file "WenQuanYiMicroHei.ttf".
Before use translation file, you should install FreeOrion can download application from Here.
Copy file "zh-cn.txt" to directory "/Applications/", and copy file "WenQuanYiMicroHei.ttf" to directory "/Applications/".
Copy file "zh-cn.txt" to directory "X:\xxx\FreeOrion\default\stringtables", and copy file "WenQuanYiMicroHei.ttf" to directory "X:\xxx\FreeOrion\default\data\fonts".
The "X:\xxx\FreeOrion" is directory where FreeOrion installed.
Run game, at main window, click options->UI, select language file "zh-cn.txt" and text/window titles font file "WenQuanYiMicroHei.ttf". At last, click "flush string tables" and "Done" button one by one. If display ineffective, try restart application.