This library will allow you to query and update GTFS data from an SQLite database in Swift.
Add the following dependency to your Package.swift
dependencies: [.package(url: "", from: "0.1.0")]
and to the target:
dependencies: [.product(name: "GtfsDb", package: "gtfs-db-swift")]
You can create the sqlite database using the gtfs-import
command line tool. You can install it from the node-GTFS library. First, download the GTFS zip and then run the import command, for example:
gtfs-import --gtfsPath ./ --sqlitePath ./9_google_transit.sqlite
Read the GTFS data from the sqlite database, using the excellent GRDB library, which is included as a dependency to this library. The following code will read the stops from the database:
import GtfsDb
import GRDB
func fetchStops() async throws -> [Stop] {
let dbPath = "path/to/your/database.sqlite"
var config = Configuration()
config.readonly = true
dbQueue = try DatabaseQueue(path: dbPath, configuration: config)
let stops = try await { db in try Stop.fetchAll(db) }
return stops