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Diana Shkolnikov edited this page Jun 19, 2015 · 4 revisions

It's the future!

Proposed automated test flow for Pelias projects
  1. Develop locally, test using local setup and/or vagrant

  2. Submit PR (to api, openstreetmap, etc) with a continuous integration platform configured as follows:

    • Run unit tests
    • Run vagrant instance with
      • regions to be imported
      • branche(s) of repositories to install
    • Run acceptance tests (preferably using same branch name as that being used by vagrant, or master)
  3. Get team buy-in (+2) === (+1) + (+1)

  4. Merge code and tests to master, with a continuous integration platform configured as follows:

    • Run unit tests
    • Run acceptance tests against staging API
  5. Manually confirm staging

  6. Merge code and tests to production branch, which should

    • Increment appropriate version(s)
    • Kick off an automated build/deploy process (at least in the case of API)
    • Run acceptance tests from production branch against production API
    • In case of regressions, revert latest changes and rebuild/redeploy previous working build