A JS library of multiple algorithms visualisations which can be added to your website with just a few lines of code.
Use link https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/paprajapati9/algorithm-visualization@master/dist/PPviz.min.js to add the js library in your page.
Use link https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/paprajapati9/algorithm-visualization@master/dist/PPviz.min.css to add the related css in your page.
- Recursion :
- Hanoi Tower
- Graphs :
- Breadth First Search
- Depth First Search
- Backtracking
- Sudoku
- Sorting
- Mergesort
- Greedy
- Graph Coloring (In Progress)
let backtrackViz = new algoviz.BacktrackViz({
selector: "pp-backtrack-container", //container id where the visualization is to be added
options: { //options related to vizualization
solve: false,
speed: 'fast'
let sudoku = backtrackViz.sudoku(); //this will create the visualization view
sudoku.then(sudokuObject =>{
backtrackViz.options.solve = true;
backtrackViz.options.sudoku = sudokuObject;
}); //start the vizualization
For respective views check the test example :