This microservice allows to export ready-to-acquirer cards file to filter incoming transactions.
Variable name | Default | Description |
CRON_EXPRESSION_BATCH | 0 * * * * * | Expression to manage batch service schedule |
Download GraalVM sdk for Java17 and set the following environment variables:
- GRAALVM_HOME: path/to/graalvm/folder
Add export directive to .bash_profile and .zshrc
Spring AOT provide a great support for analyze spring boot application and generate a tracing metadata files. Sometimes can be a lack of that tracing especially when using external library, so GraalVM and spring boot suggests to use the graalvm agent to trace these metadata.
More info refers to: and
So these step must be followed.
- Execute tests or jar by attaching graalvm agent
- Copy generate metadata to "src/main/resource/META-INF/native-image"
- Now, compile or run native
The build.gradle attached to this project already configure agent by using gradle plugin. You can choose to which task attach the agent.
The script provide a task "testWithAgent" which run test by attaching graalvm agent which collect metadata. After that a "metadataCopy" task must be run to copy to proper folder.