Student name:
Give at least the above information to this file. You can remove all below if you like, and add some own general instructions/information if you like.
This repository is meant for returning all of the weekly exercises during the course. This repository should be private and invisible to others, with exception of course organizers.
The actual instructions for the exercises are here.
You will update and add all of your work from the exercises into this repository during the course.
There is a corresponding folder for each exercise in this repository.
There is a template for text ( in each template folder. You can fill it as you like, but include at least task numbers and possible sub-numbers, answering what is required on the corresponding task.
Check cheat sheet if you need a refresher on how to use Git.
If you have barely edited Markdown files, Visual Studio Code is a free software for editing and showing a live preview of it. It works on Windows, Linux and Mac.
You can look for a short guide on Markdown syntax available here.
There is a deadline for each weekly exercise.
When you have done the exercises of the corresponding week, you have to return the link (URL) of this repository into Moodle into the corresponding returning box before the deadline, which is before the next supported session.
Note You can return the link beforehand and edit the corresponding exercise still here, as long as it has been done before the deadline.
In practice, if you have done all of the six exercises, you return this same link six times for different return boxes.