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Core Nodes

Akın Şibay edited this page Oct 9, 2024 · 3 revisions

Originzero low-code workflow automation tool has some core nodes. In addition, it aims to create a node system that can be easily developed by collaborators. In other words, the nodes in the current system are of course not enough to create some systems, the main goal is to create an extensible node system. In this way, everyone can develop their own nodes with a little javascript and a little typescript knowledge. This document includes the descriptions of the core nodes developed by Originzero developers so far. This document is important for understanding the core nodes as well as the working mechanism of a flow.


Ekran Resmi 2024-10-04 17 47 04

Trigger node is used to manually trigger the flow by pressing the button on it. In addition to pressing the button on it, you can also trigger the flow by specifying intervals or time intervals from the configuration screen. Note: In order to execute a flow, you must add at least 1 trigger node to the editor. Because the entire system needs to be triggered from one or more places before it starts working. The trigger node performs this triggering process. You can send the message you want to the node you connect to.


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Constant node is the node that will come in handy when you want to use constant variables. When the flow is first executed, the constant nodes in the flow are detected and the message in it is written to the output values ​​of the node. They can be thought of as variables in traditional programming.


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It prints the messages connected to its ends and received by it on the screen. It is useful for debugging and observation.


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It allows you to easily perform all complex mathematical operations from differential equations to integrals, from trigonometry to limits with the Latex interface.


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It combines the string expressions connected to the input terminals and transfers them to the output terminals.


Ekran Resmi 2024-10-04 17 49 10

It separates a string expression into its parts according to a certain character and transfers it to the output ends.

For example: You can separate the expression "ORIGIN,ZERO" into two parts according to the comma "ORIGIN" "ZERO" and transfer it to the output ends.


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It is used to create a delay of a certain period of time. Delay time and other settings can be made from the configuration panel.

HTTP Request

Ekran Resmi 2024-10-04 17 49 48

It is used to send HTTP requests. It is a powerful HTTP client. You can send an HTTP request to an external source by making the necessary settings from the configuration panel and use the data in the response you receive in the output ends of the node.

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