feat: ability to set machine pool root disk size
feat: add "USER DEFINED" in dns domain list Signed-off-by
feat: day1 operations for managed ingress attributes
feat: day2 operations for managed ingress attributes
feat: Import openshift-online/ocm-common shared library as module
feat: Move clusterNode validations code to shared library
feat: support dns domain creation in rosa cli Signed-off-by
feat: Support htpasswd from-file flag in interactive mode
feat: supports use local credentials cluster properties
feat: update vendor with apimachinery resource
fix: add hostname and tls to builder
fix: Adding default value for http tokens
fix: Adding Http tokens value to describe command
fix: add mention for how labels are selected
fix: add 'rosa verify network' help message
fix: adjust help usage for cluster routes attributes
fix: allow specifying empty values to remove route-selectors/excluded-namespaces
fix: allow supplying empty values to reset component routes
fix: bump OCM-GO-SDK
fix: Clearer message when skipping option
fix: determine role-arn for verify network
fix: Do not Allow IDP name cluster-admin
fix: empty checks against nil
fix: enables interactive if role arn is not supplied
fix: ensure operator roles always use the latest version
fix: ensure policy versions use the cluster channel
fix: handle nil pointer in user tag validations
fix: improve info message for the command to use to list upgrades
fix: Made info message only print when on auto mode
fix: mention default values for args
fix: remove nudge command when creating account roles
fix: replace deprecated ioutil.TempFile
fix: sanitize tags in place
fix: setting up the help in route-selector attribute
fix: shouldnt ask for mode if supplied in args
fix: The interactive mode should not exit after input invalid ingress label
fix: trim spaces in each excluded namespace
fix: update valid cluster states for verify network
fix: update 'verify network' status message
fix: version validation to check against correct channel group
test: 'verify network' unit tests
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