released this
30 Jul 19:28
confirm: Move to interactive package
properties: Move to separate package
cluster: Move to ocm package
ocm: Move all OCM API wrappers to ocm package
ocm: Split resources into files
ocm: Refactor OCM client code
ocm: Do not expose internal API structure
add etcd-encryption flag to buildCommand
ocm: Bump SDK version
ocm: Bump SDK version
aws: Filter clusters by AWS account ID
output: Add flag for JSON and YAML output
Add region tag for older versions
There is no "user" anymore
Added hibernation and resume support to rosa cli
hack: Add directory with development scripts
Update cmd/create/idp/cmd.go
output: Ensure that JSON output for empty arrays looks correct
reporter: Send WARN output to STDERR
aws: Refactor AWS client code
init: Replace --delete-stack flag with --delete
init: Confirm delete operation
create: Add new account-roles resource
vendor: Update AWS SDK
account-roles: Add tags to AWS resources
init: Add 'account' to init command
login: Provide a way to externally call command
accountroles: Output Role ARN once created
Update URLs for upcoming move to
reattempt login in case of sso outage
Reduce EBS quota checks
create: Add operator-roles command
ocm: Find cluster by external ID
Report all insufficient quotas
create: Add oidc-provider command
create-cluster: Update help text for etcd encryption
create-cluster: Automatically populate operator IAM roles
account-roles: Output sample create cluster command
bump ocm-sdk v0.1.197
update get addon parameters to use addon-inquiries request
Validate operator roles exist
verify-permissions: Add user-friendly error
aws: Add input validation for role names
create-oidcprovider: Fix help text for mode flag
create-oidcprovider: Verify if OIDC Provider already exists
mode: Error out when using invalid mode
account-roles: Ensure that roles and policies can be upgraded
Add support for machine pool spot instances
Hide spot instance flags
list-machinepool: Fix spot instance decimal representation
roles: Update trust policy
create-cluster: Ensure all role ARNs are required
clusters: Ensure blocking pending clusters are non-STS
create-operatorroles: Auto-find policies for roles
create-operatorroles: Prompt user to create policies
account-roles: Add permissions required for PrivateLink
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