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RESTful Web Services

Nacho edited this page Aug 27, 2015 · 10 revisions

Understanding the URL

The general structure of a OpenCGA RESTful URL call is:


Where HOST_URL is as follows

Sections in braces are web service parameters, so they can be treated as variables.

Quick example:

As is explained later in this documentation, this RESTful web service will login user opencga.

The available parameters are:

  • version: indicates OpenCGA version to retrieve information from, data models and API may change between versions.
  • resource: specifies the data type of what the user want to retrieve in the id field. This can be one of users, projects, studies, files, jobs, individuals, samples, variables, cohorts or tools, more information here.
  • id: the resource id we want to query.
  • endpoint: these parameters must be specified depending on the nature of your input data. For example, if we want to query all files by a specific study (e.g. 1000genomes) we should use the studies resource and files endpoint. More information here.
  • options: these query parameters can modify the behaviour of the query (exclude, include, limit, skip and count) or add some filters to some specific endpoints to add useful functionality.

Versions are numbered as v1, v2, etc. At this moment we are heading to first stable version which is v1. However, when more versions are available in the future the latest stable version will be always coded as latest.

Resources and Endpoints

There are 10 different resources implemented:

Category Description Main Endpoints
users Different methods to work with users info, create, login, logout, ...
projects projects are defined for each user and contains studies info, create, studies, ...
studies studies are the main component of catalog, the can be shared and contain files, samples and jobs info, create, files, samples, jobs, variants, alignments, groups, ...
files files are added to the study and can be indexed to be queried info, create, index, share, ...
jobs jobs are tool executions that can be queued info, create, ...
individuals samples come from the individuals info, create, ...
samples samples are each of the experiment samples, typically matches a NGS BAM file or VCF sample info, create, annotate, share, ...
variables variables annotate samples with different information useful for data analysis info, crate, ...
cohorts these model a group of samples that share some common properties, these are used for data analysis info, create, stats, samples, ...
tools bioinformatics tools installed for data analysis info, help, ...

For more detailed information about resources, endpoints and options OpenCGA has been documented using Swagger project, it is available at:


This is the query parameter and the type matches resources path parameter, it represents the resource about we want to retrieve the information.

NOTE: In order to improve performance in many cases ID lists can be passed together in only one REST call separated by commas. Only 200 IDs are allowed.


Swagger project has been set up and is available at:

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