- a Github account: If not the case, go https://github.com/ and sign up
- enroll the classroom as a student: go https://classroom.github.com/a/DZWCAAjk
- Click to accept the assignment
Start your Codespace (an online vscode running in github infrastructures)
Your Codespace is configuring... Please wait
Your Codespace is ready, you can open the python file example and run it
Help me, I really really want to run it locally
Are you sure you want to choose the red pill over the blue pill?
Yes, I'm sure
You have to install Python and Pycharm
Install a compatible Python version from 3.9 to 3.12, avoid 3.13 and versions older than 3.9
On windows
winget install Python.Python.3.12
or download and install https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.12.7/python-3.12.7-amd64.exe
On a mac
If you have Homebrew installed:
brew install [email protected]
or download and install https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.12.7/python-3.12.7-macos11.pkg
On linux
Hopefully if you use a linux machine, it means you're autonomous
Install the last version of Pycharm Community
On windows
winget install JetBrains.PyCharm.Community
or download and install https://download.jetbrains.com/python/pycharm-community-2024.2.3.exe
On a mac
If you have Homebrew installed:
brew install --cask pycharm-ce
or download and install https://download.jetbrains.com/python/pycharm-community-2024.2.3.dmg
On linux
download and install https://download.jetbrains.com/python/pycharm-community-2024.2.3.tar.gz
- connect to ENPC-VISITEURS or maybe eduroam wifi
- go and register here with you student email: https://portal.gurobi.com/iam/register
- register as a student
- set a password !
- request a 'WLS license' on this page: https://portal.gurobi.com/iam/licenses/request
- go and download your license file it should be a gurobi.lic file: https://license.gurobi.com/manager/licenses
- put your gurobi license at the root of your git project using drag and drop
now in your python script replace
result = network.optimize(solver_name="highs")
import os
os.environ['GRB_LICENSE_FILE'] = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'gurobi.lic')
result = network.optimize(solver_name="gurobi")
Hopefully it should work