Hyperapp Peers
This table serves to compare other UI libraries with ~5-10k stars on GitHub to help identify overlap and what makes Hyperapp unique:
GitHub ⭐️ | Name | Similaries | Differences |
Moon | Small (7k), VDOM, official router in separate package | Templates, stateful components, this.set vs state updates from actions (action-based state management available separately) |
Elm | VDOM, Functional, Elm Architecture, Model(state)/Update(actions)/View | Not JavaScript, compiled | |
Ractive.js | VDOM | Templates, stateful components | |
Flight | Small (5k), UMD build | Templates, stateful components, batteries not included (requires jQuery) | |
Marionette.js | |||
Cycle.js | Functional, VDOM | Streams, actual DOM nodes are selected | |
dva | Elm Architecture/Redux | Built with React/Redux, includes managed effects/subscriptions/router/fetch | |
Mithril | Small (8k), VDOM | Built-in router and XHR | |
Knockout | |||
Aurelia | Official router in separate package | Templates, stateful components | |
Inferno | Small (9k), VDOM, lifecycle events for functional components (stateful components also available), official router in separate package | State only supported using class components (libraries for MobX and Redux available) |